I remember one day my Facebook post read, “I just worked out at the gym…and then promptly came home and ate two cookies.”
It was funny—and apparently relatable (I’m not shaming anyone who likes cookies)—but the lesson I want to pull out today is that, at the time, I was INTERESTED in living a healthy lifestyle, but not committed.
Over the last ten years or so, Eric and I have taught hundreds of thousands of people how to create a simple, seamless system for an organized life. I LOVE our work.
But as we progressed through several iterations of our live class, we identified a question that IMMEDIATELY helped us to know which people we could really serve and support—and which people were attending the class simply to pass the time.
This was the question:
Are you committed–or just interested?
Here’s why that question was so effective…
If you’re “just interested,” then when you’re tired, or there’s a good show you want to watch, or a friend invites you out to eat, or ANYTHING else comes up that sounds even remotely interesting, it’s going to sound way more fun than getting organized. And you’re always going to choose what sounds more fun.
“Hey! Want to go get some ice cream? Or did you want to stay home and file papers in your filing cabinet?”
Is that question even necessary?
But if you are COMMITTED, well, that’s a totally different story.
That means you’ll get up early or put in extra hours at the end of the day.
It means you’ll take a raincheck on some things until your system is built.
It means you’ll put off what you want NOW for what you want most.
It means you’ll believe in the future self you are creating—instead of letting your current self convince you that change simply isn’t possible.
We can serve, support, and lift COMMITTED students all day long. 🙂
Inside our STEP Mastery program (where we help our members to build a STEP Command Central), we invite our members to share their “commitment statement” inside our Facebook Group as a way to create some external accountability.
When we first extended that invitation in the program, I didn’t know if anyone would actually do it. We even provided an “out” that said something like, “If you don’t want to post it publicly, just put a sticky note on your mirror or something….”
But every day when I open up the STEP Facebook group, I read these awesome Commitment Statements that give me such a lift!
I want to share a few (anonymously) here with you! (And if you’re a STEP Mastery student, just pop in the Facebook group and click on the tag that says “Committed” to see hundreds of examples!)
I am committed to getting my life organized so that I can be more productive as a new business owner. this will help me to be able to make time for things that matter and for things that excite me. I will have more time to spend with my family and to focus on my health goals. I cannot wait until my life takes off like a rocket ship once I eliminate my inefficiencies.
It’s time to commit. I want to be proud of my home, and feel that I can complete what I’ve started.
I am committed to clearing the clutter in my mind so I can clear the clutter in my environment and have a peaceful and restful place to be.
Hi, everyone,
I just joined and am in Module 1. Just got to the “are you interested or committed” section. I want to say I’m committed. I really hope I’m committed. I’ve done Franklin Covey, some others that I don’t remember, and read the David Allen, “Getting Things Done”, book maybe 20 years ago? Have done them all, even the 43 folders part, and there’s pieces of each that I have not necessarily kept doing, but know are strong and felt guilty about not doing. Because I should know how to do this. Right? I want this time to be different and stay committed past a year+ so I can truly live my best life – spiritually, emotionally, and physically – for the rest of my life. Thanks, team.
I commit to following directions, taking the next right action, and completing the STEP program.
I am committed to getting—and staying—organized because my goal is to move from always feeling a sense of obligation and being behind to an environment that fosters inspiration, creativity and joy. That can only happen in an uncluttered environment where my brain truly trusts my organizational system.
I read GTD years ago and have taken a multi-day implementation course several times(!) and haven’t been able to actually “get it done.” This program feels different; April and Eric have made the process more approachable and less cumbersome. And even though this is only Day 2 for me, I’ve already gained some ideas and inspiration from this facebook community. I feel optimistic and excited and I’m looking forward to the journey alongside my fellow travelers!
My first post in the group, just to “announce” my commitment to stick with STEP and transform my life into the life of my dreams.
Yesterday is behind me, Today is here! Taking action now towards incremental improvement.
Hello lovely people!
I would like to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Laurie and I joined STEP this past Thursday. I already am well on my way by using my calendar and my weekly Next Actions list! I already have almost half of my items checked off from yesterday! Woohoo!! 🥳🥳🥳
Who knew all that was missing in my life was a course about organization?! hahaha I have been in action since this weekend and I am more excited than I’ve been in a while. I have taken multiple self development courses, one of which is Landmark which I love. They always talk about integrity. I knew I had to bring integrity to my home, my business, my calendar but never knew how to do it!! Anyway it’s just perfect that “the man” was tracking that I was reading “Getting things done” and this course popped up in my instagram feed 🤣😇
I am sharing my COMMITMENT with you to go through this program and transform my home, my business and live a life I truly LOVE!
I’ve been following a few of your posts already and it’s an honor to be part of such an inspiring group of human beings who encourage each other and share their ups and downs. I’m am in for the ride!
I am COMMITTED! I just finished the video to create my temporary Command Central and I already feel like 100 lightbulbs went on in my head but my headspace feels clearer already. I have tried so many things over the years to organize my space and it has not helped and I have only gotten more and more frustrated through the years as well as my husband who cannot stand the piles and the clutter and I get super upset and frustrated that I don’t know how to clear the space and feeling lazy and like there’s something wrong with me why can’t I clear my living space. Up until watching that video a few minutes ago I didn’t even know how to clear a pile. I actually can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel just knowing that there’s a process to clearing a pile is so freeing for my mind and I am so Excited to move forward in this program!
I am committed. Grew up in clutter. Never learned how to NOT live in clutter. Tried and failed at many different programs, self help books, personal attempts, etc. It’s not just paper, it’s everything. Though solving the paper portion and getting my mind trained differently will undoubtedly help. Some of you may be able to relate – I decide to do X. To do it I need to get Y. Y is under a pile of Z that I need to move into the cabinets, but the path to the cabinets is full of A. I can’t put A where i goes because I need to use the hand truck, and I’m waiting for the replacement tires to arrive. When they do and I mount them to move A the cabinets are full of B, C, and D. Each of these belong elsewhere in different places. To get to each of the places, I first have to… You get the idea. I’m committed to make this work and as I emailed the creators of this program, just completing the steps to make my temporary first command center, I already feel I’ve taken a huge step forward and have confidence from it.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I’ve just taken it.
Okay, there are literally hundreds more I could have included here, but I’ll leave it at that.
As I read these, I was surprised at how emotional I became.
I REMEMBER being at the beginning of this journey. I remember thinking I would never find a way to have a calm mind. I remember thinking everyone else was just magic or something—and that I was just born stressed out and overwhelmed, and I would never be able to get over it.
My favorite part, though, is reading all the comments that come in alongside these commitments—comments from people OTHER THAN ME saying, “You’re in the right place.” Or “This works.” Or “I’m so glad you found us.”
I’ve got to tell you that running things behind the scenes here isn’t easy. Sometimes it’s a lot of hours in meetings. Lots of hours on the computer. Lots of time on my knees asking for help with tricky business issues no one ever even warned me to anticipate. Our team works so hard—juggling personal and family responsibilities as they work from home, responding to thousands of emails every single month, fixing tech issues, updating the program, managing the marketing and the social media and the podcast and the members’ area….
But at the end of the day, we’re not just “interested” in helping you. We’re COMMITTED to helping you. That’s why we keep showing up day after day and week after week.
I know that not everyone in our community wants or needs our full STEP program—and that’s totally fine. Some people are already organized or have their own systems that work or want to wait awhile before they jump in.
But I’d like to leave you with an invitation (our LearnDoBecome Challenge): I invite you to look at what’s really important to you in your life and then decide to be COMMITTED.
Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do.
Brian Tracy, Success.com
Sending love!!
P.S. Have you taken our free class? We teach you the basics of identifying Next Actions and the power of using a Context-Based Next Actions list, along with other tools to help you organize your mind and get out of the piles. We’d love to have you join us–come sign up here!
Jan says
I. am committed to getting—and staying—organized because my goal is to move from always feeling a sense of obligation and being behind to an environment that fosters inspiration, creativity and peace.
Jan says
I would like a Daily update from Learn,do,become
Laurie Hanawalt says
I can totally relate to the person who wrote the last comment April listed
…”Some of you may be able to relate – I decide to do X. To do it I need to get Y. Y is under a pile of Z that I need to move into the cabinets, but the path to the cabinets is full of A. I can’t put A where i goes because I need to use the hand truck, and I’m waiting for the replacement tires to arrive. When they do and I mount them to move A the cabinets are full of B, C, and D. Each of these belong elsewhere in different places. To get to each of the places, I first have to…”
This describes my situation. I took your free training “How to Finally Stop Drowning in Piles” back in 2017 and started working towards getting my emails to zero. I created subfolders in my In Basket for various social justice groups and local neighborhood groups I was involved in, as well as various other personal categories. I started moving emails out of my In Basket into these subfolders, but there were so many, I gave up. Then in early 2020, I signed up for the Step Mastery program and set up folders according to the Step program (Immediate Action, Tickler, Waiting) and using my phone calendar. I still had my original subfolders I made in 2017 but started using these 3 new subfolders. I got my emails to zero. Then Covid-19 hit the US and I became glued to the TV & radio to learn what was going on. Since June 2020, I quit moving emails out of my In Basket and am once again frustrated. Seems I get more emails than ever before and have started ignoring them. Over the past few months, I’ve turned my attention to setting up my Command Central, locating horizontal bins in my attic and placing them in my work area at home. Also setting up a system to process Incoming Papers. I am now able to function better knowing where project folders are and where items are I need to take action on, or communicate, or research or file or shred. I’m not sure how long it will take, but I am now ready to start gathering all the loose piles of papers around the house. My plan is to sort them (keep, shred and recycle) and then figure how I want to file them. For decades, I’ve used an A-Z filing system, but have heard people in the STEP FB group mention Freedom Filer. So I will listen to any podcasts that STEP or You Tube have on this system and then decide if I want to switch over to Freedom Filer. I also want to start working through the STEP modules, along with a cooking program and another organizing program. I’m committed to completing these programs but still working out pieces for my Current Project, Next In Line, Someday and Incubation lists. I know I’ve taken on too much at one time, but am making progress in each program. It’s so nice to have the support of the LearnDoBecome team and FB group. Thank you for your commitment to all of us STEPPERS.
Patricia says
I need help to get from desiring, interested…to committed!
To be delivered from FSD Flat Surface Disease and so many categories to be filed
that it overwhelms so I just walk away…tomorrow is another day.
Melby says
I agree with your first sentence.
Agnes Koker says
I’m a hopeless cause But i’ll give it a try.
Susan Brookins says
Hi. I could sooo relate to the comments of those listed above, especially the one where in order to do x, need y. Need z etc!! No sooner I look at the paperwork pile in front of me. I see a zillion different things needed done, but WHERE to begin!! Frustrating and overwhelming. And I find that I get some things in the box or stack separated by like items. And no sooner, I have to stop for something else, taking the dog outside, feeding dog and the 2 special needs kitters or refilling the aluminum pans of dry kitter food for the other 9 kitters!! Or I need to go to sleep, eat go to dr apptmt…..yaddi yaddi yadda….I leave anything sitting out, it will be tossed all over the floor by kitters or my clumsiness. Or only choice is to put them, all stacks back in the box….that means having to start all over again!!! Ugggg Help!!!!
Cathy A Castagna says
I have just endured a year long journey of not having my home in a liveable condition due to a black water flood… disorganized before has exploded into complete chaos…daunting, overwhelming and painful. I will need some external structure and assistance if I am to ever resolve this jumbled mess.
Kathy jensen says
I am feeling well after several months of not feeling well and I am both excited and committed to finish my modules and start new habits. I have my command center in a 12×12 room (we downsized) which is also my art studio and sewing room. Vertical shelving is going to stay orderly because it’s all labeled and I can find anything in seconds! My challenge is the flat surfaces like my art table and desk.
Those darn papers don’t file themselves and I’m determined to follow your ideas to keep my mind calm and stress free so I can actually be creative! Even while I’ve been sick I have felt committed to make this happen and now it’s finally possible. I love all your videos and ideas! Your talents are blessing many lives and I am grateful to be in your program😃🥰
Jan says
I’m am in the beginning stages and am very excited about the process! My question at the moment is the place I want to set up my Command Central is drowning in paper clippings and other “valuable to me” piles of stuff. What do I do with all that stuff so I can clear that space. I think it’s psychologically holding me back. BooHoo……..
Janet Beers says
I started this process back in March. Then many huge changes began in my life and not easy changes – medical issues with many family members, lost my job, depression and my husband changed job, no insurance for kids , not much income since I was no longer employed. I have since been taking care of in – laws and my child got a concussion that isn’t healing. It’s like a snowball downhill that never stops. My home which I was feeling somewhat organized thanks to your program!! Now my entire life needs a redo. Nothing got put away as I travel to states and big cities for doctor appointments. I have decided to recommit even if it’s just 10 minutes a day.
April Perry says
Sending a huge hug, Janet! Congratulations on your commitment. You’ve had a lot going on, and there’s no rush. But you’re going to feel SO good. xoxo
Helene says
With so much out of control, it will feel good to be able to get something under control, no matter how small.
I have all the tools I have to get brave and use them!
Anne says
Like you, my world changed the day after I signed up for Step ! My younger brother was hospitalized and died 6 weeks later. My sister-in-law fell, breaking her pelvis on several places. And my 5 yr old granddaughter who has been with me for full-time daycare, started Kindergarten. Then, my other brother had a stroke. (Fortunately, a relatively mild one.) All this in just 3 months. So-o-o, my world has been in a tailspin!!
However, I truly am committed and barring another Family crisis, have set aside tomorrow as my Start Date. Honestly !
By the way, I will be 83 yr old in 3 weeks, so it’s never too late to start !!!🤗
April Perry says
Anne, this is awesome. So, so happy you are here. You have overcome so much, and you are obviously a support to so many people. We are thrilled you are with us!
Tammie J Henning says
I built my Command Central area. Cleaned out a closet in the spare bedroom! No desk but a 3 shelf stand, my filing cabinet, paper shredder, bins, pencil sharpener, stapler, calendar, etc. Open the Bi-fold doors and !! There’s Command Central. Now USE IT!! (my mom said!)
Rene says
When I was raising children I was committed to being more organized for their sake and my sanity. As an empty nester who is active I tend to get in the mode of “I’ve got all day” which of course, slips away. I desperately want to have an organized home to come home to for peace of mind.
April Perry says
Rene, you are in the right place! You don’t have to move at the same pace you did when you were raising children (which may have felt exhausting), but I love that you are looking for peace of mind! 🙂
Sally says
I am definitely interested but easily distracted. My husband died a year and a half ago and I am living alone for the first time in my life. I have made some progress in sorting and pitching, but the pandemic has effected my commitment and I feel like I have been on a merry-go-round. There is very little difference from day to day. I am retired and have frequent communication with my four children, but socially, I feel isolated. Nothing seems to have a due date and I have trouble prioritizing my activities. I deal with pain issues and some health issues that sideline me from day to day. I feel overwhelmed by so many things. I need to have these things broken down to smaller steps and then block out an amount of time that will get me to my goals. I want to stay independent, but I have not achieved consistent success. Am I beyond help?
mm says
very much so committed to organization .. however one little hitch. brain trauma.. 🙁 Prayers would be amazing so I can heal! and get back to putting my life in order!
Star says
I am committed to organizing and staying organized. I will ask for help when needed, and I will stay accountable to my helpers as well as myself.
Joan Holland says
I needed this. I am so overwhelmed and looking for help. There you are and I think, well, they will always be there. I need to COMMIT. My life is a mess and would be so much better if I was a little less overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that its’ hard to commit. Hope you understand this. Please don’t go away. I really need you.
Taryn Wood says
Joan, we are here! And if you are a member of our Steps To Everyday Productivity program, you have lifetime access to the program and the resources. In addition to this post (and the STEP program) we have a couple of podcasts that might be helpful to you.
What to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed by Tasks, https://learndobecome.com/episode104/
Project Overwhelm Solved, https://learndobecome.com/episode93/
If you’re part of our Mastery program, be sure to pop into the Facebook group as well. The members there are so supportive and helpful! Thanks for being with us here at LearnDoBecome!
Kanah Teagyn says
Thank you! This is the very post I needed today. I paid for your program and immediately had several all-encompassing challenges explode in my life. Those challenges have required my full attention and have pushed other things, like getting organized, to a lower priority. Now I feel that I can re-commit. I am committed to being organized because at other times when I have been organized I’ve felt more comfortable, at peace, productive, and cheerful in my home and in my work. I appreciate this message that inspires me again.
Taryn Wood says
Kanah, we’re so glad you’re here and we’re SO excited for you! You’re in the right place. If you’re part of our Mastery program, be sure to pop into our Facebook group as well. The support there is incredible! We’re thrilled to have you with us and we look forward to hearing your success stories!
Lynnette Salmond says
I am committed to freeing my life of those horrid piles! I am committed to being that person who can enjoy life without that nagging feeling that there is a big project of going through things I still need to tackle. I am committed to not have that “storage room” that has to have the door shut when guests come over and the humiliation of finding it was left open too late! I am committed to not leave for my kids to go through all that stuff that my parents left for me when they passed on.
Bernarda (Narda) Gallagher says
I plan to ask for your STEP program for Christmas.
I want it to be where i can access all the info for the rest of my life.
I want it in where I can have it in 3 ring binder book form, but i dont think you have that.
Either way, it will be my only request.
Ive gone around looking for what you offer, but no one has what you have.
I tell others about your program even before I have it !
Taryn Wood says
Narda, we look forward to having you join us! Thanks for sharing with others. We’re so glad you’re here!
Kathy says
My daughter (who is single) gave me her second membership in December. I started . . . and, a week later, found myself with major caretaker responsibilities for an elderly friend I’d been helping for 3 years. As of the beginning of September, I no longer have that responsibility.
Last week, after much thought and prayer, I decided I needed a complete break from technology until December 1, so I could focus all my time and attention on major downsizing. Yesterday, I finished the last of my mandatory computer-related projects, shut my computer down, unplugged it, and moved it to my husband’s office. Except for walking, my phone is about to move to his office, too. This means I will have to temporarily suspend working through the STEP program (because my computer will be off, and I won’t be online), but I look forward to picking it back up in December. (I deliberately don’t have a FaceBook account, so the mastery aspect isn’t going to work for me.)
I really appreciate the STEP program . . . it has provided me with the “baby-step bridge” I needed to get me across the chasm of “to do x, I must first do y . . . “ scenario mentioned above. Now it’s time for the major tech fast plunge.
Taryn Wood says
Kathy, it sounds like you have some exciting times ahead. We wish you all the best in your journey and look forward to hearing your success stories when you come back in December!
Kim U. says
I’m organized in every other area of my life except work and work for home. I would never let my closet get disorganized but somehow a desk covered with stuff doesn’t seem to bother me – until I’m looking for that one piece of paper that’s the emergency of the moment! So, now I’m committed to making these last two areas as organized as the rest of the areas. I’ve got nothing it lose and peace of mind to gain.