Welcome to this week’s podcast! I can’t tell you how excited I was to have the chance to interview Guinevere and Billy Christian, wonderful members of our Steps to Everyday Productivity community.
You can click the audio player above—or watch the video below—and I hope that you’ll be taking notes.
In the recording, Guinevere and Billy shared how they worked together to get organized—in spite of having different backgrounds and temperaments; they taught us how they found a way to make time for projects that feel personally exciting while also moving forward professionally; and they showed how they celebrate along the way. The photo below features their “Good Things Jar,” where, at the end of each Couple’s Weekly Review, they record (on a little slip of paper) something good that they’ve accomplished or experienced throughout the week and add it to the jar! How awesome is that?

The reason I initially reached out to them to record this podcast is because Taryn (our Facebook group specialist) sent me a link to Guinevere’s post that said this:

Holy cow! Pretty amazing, right? Now, in the interview, Billy clarified that this wasn’t instant success. This was a “seven-years-in-the-making overnight success.”
But I think that is even MORE exciting because it shows that all of our effort will pay off. We just need a simple system that pulls it all together.
CHALLENGE: As you listen to Guinevere and Billy, identify one thing you could do to move yourself closer to the ultimate organization/productivity/life goals you have for yourself. Your situation will be unique, but the energy and excitement from the interview is contagious. 🙂
As always, thank YOU for being a part of our community.
Related Resources
The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
Here’s where you can find Guinevere and Billy Christian:
Free Training: How to Stop Drowning in Piles
Are you looking to join in the success? In our class we’ll teach you four tips to help you get organized, eliminate the piles and overwhelm, and feel serenity as you move forward on the things that matter most! Sign up here!

Can I hear more about the “one thing” about your partner? Is the thought that you can pick a new thing as the next thing—or do you often revisit the thing from previous weeks? Are there any pointers on how to do this? Thank you!
Hi, Jennifer! Guine here. We truly play it by ear. Sometimes we stick to the same thing for multiple weeks (like when it took me a few weeks to be consistent with Billy’s request that I not leave out mugs with coffee in them), sometimes we move on to something else, sometimes we return to something from weeks ago. It’s mainly 1) asking your spouse to correct something that irritates you, or 2) to do something loving for you – like when I asked him to handle meals during the days leading up to Easter Sunday, being a busy church musician who is always overwhelmed during Holy Week. Is that helpful?
This episode is fantastic and enlightening! Definitely have to change some of my thought processes. I’ve been in & out the program for 4 years. However, I do have a command central that has proven essential. This episode made me realize, my next project is to try to get my husband into program. I can clearly see the ability to get projects & goals identified together will be great draw to him. The common terminology or language, as I like to call it, will unify us. Looking for to identifying the very next step & move projects around. Thank you so much for all you are doing. I keep coming back for more.
Wishing you the best, Joanne! Some spouses love jumping in. Others like to observe from the sidelines (and there’s a whole spectrum in between….). Introducing an idea or two at a time might be useful, and then if it turns out he wants to go through the program at his own pace, you can give him his own login (see the “programs” section of your membership), and he can proceed however he’d like! Good luck!!
Wow, I absolutely loved this podcast. The interaction and honesty between this couple is inspiring, as well as the mindset change, and the “one thing” discussion. I am going to share this with my husband to see if he’d be willing to share this journey with me. I’m the partner who overthinks things (“analysis paralysis” indeed) and my husband is the “move forward, just do it” kind of guy. He’s very patient with me but I need to get over this feeling of overwhelm and having him work on this with me would be such a gift. Love the celebration jar too! Thanks for all you shared on the podcast–I learned so much from Billy and Guinevere as well as from April. I plan to listen to it again and write down some notes. Best wishes and stay safe, everyone.
So glad this was helpful for you, Damaris! If your spouse feels comfortable jumping in, that’s great! If not, that’s okay, too. Sometimes it’s best to get started and show your spouse how effective it is. Then it feels like less of a stretch to him. 🙂 Wishing you the best!!
How inspiring! And now I have another book idea that I’d like for Christmas, “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins. I had some reminders in that podcast, too. I really want to use my wonderful STEP system to the fullest!
I loved this podcast! I feel inspired and enjoyed listening to this fun couple.