I procrastinated pretty much everything for the first 30 years of my life.
Projects took forever, if they got done at all. I forwarded tasks from one day to the next, and then the next, and then the next. And I watched WAY too much TV.
When something did finally “need to get done,” I usually completed it at the last minute, stayed up super late, etc., and then promised myself I would stop doing that in the future. (Ha!)
Here’s the thing, though…. I thought it was a problem with ME. I thought, “If I just had more talent, skill, discipline, mental strength, free time, energy, better health, etc., I would be able to be successful.”
Maybe you’ve felt the same way?
But I have learned that it wasn’t me. And it isn’t you. It’s a matter of learning and implementing the principles that will support you in your goals and dreams. And today, my daughter Alia and I are going to take you behind the scenes of a huge project our team recently completed in just two days (without needing the stars to align in order to make it happen!).

(Also pictured in the photo above is my daughter Grace, who helped with all the social media images….)
We really hope that these ideas will be helpful for you.
Our project: A 7-Day Organize-Your-Mind Challenge
(It was a 7-part video series we released inside our free Community Facebook group to help everyone start off the year feeling organized, calm, and mentally clear. There’s a link at the bottom of this post where you can sign up!)
The outcome of this was SO fun.
- It brought a ton of energy to our community (great photos, tons of progress and momentum, etc.).
- It gave us a really natural way to share the “magic” of our STEP program.
- It provided a new resource we could share in different ways in the future—so it didn’t have to be a “one and done” type of project. From a business perspective, we could run ads to this challenge and set up an email version for which new members of our community could register at any time.
- It served the world in a bigger way. We saw affect our family, our neighborhood, and thousands of families around the globe.
Here are the five principles we followed:
(And for more detail, listen to the podcast episode by clicking the “play” button at the top of the page!)
- We sat down and discussed the outcome vision (and made SURE this was the best use of our time).
- We set deadlines—one to “go live” and one to have all the recordings prepared in advance.
- We completed our initial preparations. I took little pockets of time after our meeting to outline the content of the videos and sketched them out in my planner. Alia even cut my hair, which needed to happen. 😊
- We batched the parts of the project that required the most energy. (Fun video-recording day of all 7 videos in one day!)
- We prioritized our list of remaining tasks and focused only on those–until we met our deadline. (We didn’t complicate things when the opportunity came up to do so, we didn’t demand “perfection,” and we didn’t take on any additional projects or commitments until those tasks were finished. We also batched the additional tasks as much as possible and got things scheduled in advance so we could breathe and relax once the two-day sprint was completed.)
I believe that the “huge projects” weighing on your mind right now were inspired by something bigger. (Many people refer to this as their higher power.) Yes, there might be some projects that need to go into your “Someday List”—or you may need to improve your delegation skills and get some help. But when your mind and heart can’t help but focus on something meaningful and purposeful (and yes, “BIG”), I think you need to pay attention to that.
Your unique abilities have prepared you for some amazing things, and we hope that the ideas we’ve shared today will help you to make those happen.
LearnDoBecome Challenge:
Get out a sheet of paper or a fresh digital note and record one “big project” that you’ve been putting off for awhile. (We recommend you select a project that is really connected to your heart.) Then review the principles above and brainstorm how you could apply them to this specific project…and get things moving in an exciting direction!
To participate in the 7-Day Organize-Your-Mind Challenge…
Join our free LearnDoBecome Community Facebook Group!
Request access and then click the announcement at the top for a link to the 7 videos!

And if you want to work with us on a deeper level to get your projects prioritized, your spaces calm and clear, and your mind totally organized, our STEP program is the place to be! 😊 (Our Booster Series is going on right now, and we would love for you to participate!)
Hey there! I LOVE what you are doing. It is so needed! I have also picked up some new tips from you.
Thank you so much, Linette! I received your additional message, as well, and if you have any specific links or information to pass along, you can send them to email (at) LearnDoBecome.com. Have a wonderful day!!
I have not seen the info on this important subject. Thank you for the opportunity to see what you have to offer. I have many unfinished items.
So happy you are here, Janet!
This is a delightful podcast
Still working and this will help me tremendously! Blessings to you April and Alia as well!!!
So happy it was helpful! Sending good thoughts your way as you work on your projects!
Thanks for posting this! Where can I find the 7 day challenge? I’m a paid member but haven’t engaged with the program for a long time 🙁
Hello! The 7-Day “Organize-Your-Mind” Challenge is in our LearnDoBecome Community Facebook group. You can join here, LearnDoBecome.com/FBfamily. Enjoy!
PERFECT TIMING!!!! I have my “big elephant” and kind of feeling overwhelmed by the “size of the project” but LET’S DO IT!!! paper and pen ready to start planning the steps I’M TAKING!
Blessings and thanks for sharing!!!
Your story sounds like my story! (minus children) I allow the TV to calm me after a busy day at work and get nothing done in the evening. Even my dogs get pushy with me since they want to walk or play with Mommy!
Many years ago, I feel like I was much better organized, but today, and three years after moving into a new house, we still have rooms (not to mention the garage) in total disarray! I’m getting married next month, and we plan to have guests stay with us for a reception in July 2021. Also, I may be out of a job at the end of March! I would love to get my life in order and feel confident that life (bills, work, family, etc.) is all under control. I’d love to travel more, and I’d love to be able to finish our yard and build a shed ($$).
My greatest fear is that I will not follow through if I spend the money on this program. I’m great when I work WITH someone, but left to my own devices; I’m typically unmotivated. I don’t have a solid plan and feel overwhelmed with all the things on my plate. What path do you recommend for someone like me?
Thank you for all of your helpful advice and well wishes.
Suzanne Stehlik
Wasilla, Alaska
[email protected]
Suzanne, it sounds like you have a full plate and lots of exciting opportunities (and challenges) in your future! I can totally relate to that fear of not following through. And we definitely don’t want you to “waste” your money. Here’s what I’d say…. If you’re doing okay right now–meaning that things could definitely be better organized, but you’re generally keeping up with the basics, you’re sleeping well, and you’re managing the everyday to the extent that it doesn’t cause extreme stress, then I would suggest you stay close to all the free resources here at LearnDoBecome and perhaps join our STEP program when the time feels right in the future.
However, if you’re not doing “okay,” and you feel like you’ll fall apart if things don’t change quickly, I would join our STEP Mastery program and set a timer for 45 days from now. (We have a 60-day refund window.) Then you come into the Facebook group, you download one of our calendars (in the program) and decide how quickly you want to implement the program–2 months, 2 weeks, a few days, etc. And you build your Command Central like your life depends on it. 🙂 If you don’t see a MASSIVE change in 15 hours of work, then ask for your money back. (We won’t fight you…) But if you DO see your life turn around and all that stress over the wedding, the guests, the job search, the bills, work, family, etc. start to melt away, then you’ll know that it was worth every cent. Hope that makes sense! Our team is standing by to answer any questions you might have. This program is what saved my sanity, and we have more than 15,000 people in the Facebook group right now who are ready to help you out! Either way… so glad you’re with us!
Hi Suzanne! You said a couple of things that sounded just like me! Sent you an email.
Hi. I joined months…years ago and never got started. It always seemed like I needed to deal with a mini-crisis or set of deadlines before taking the time to learn your program and establish a Command Central and get the whole mess under control. Now I realize there is always going to be something I “should” do first…or I can just claim the time and get organized. And that job has grown exponentially in the meantime. So my question, because it has been so long, is where do I go to find the very first steps of your program?
Thanks for this remedial guidance!
We are so happy you are back! You can go to my.LearnDoBecome.com and log in there with the email address you used when you purchased. You can reset your password, if necessary. Our contact form is at the bottom of our website, too! So excited for you!!