Here’s a fun member feature for today that has really impressed me. I’m going to share the full post here and then explain my 3 biggest takeaways below!
Lovely, don’t you think? I am so, so proud of Delora! And here are 3 takeaways I want to share from what she posted:
(1) Changes start to happen automatically… For Delora, 10-minute microbursts made a big difference for her. It wasn’t something she had to worry about or to which she had to devote a ton of mental energy. She just starting doing them because it’s what the community was doing.
(2) Our minds “thank us” for progressing. It doesn’t always feel good in the moment, but when we are brave and when we invest in ourselves, our subconscious mind feels a weight removed, and the “thank you” comes in many different ways. Often it’s just a lighter feeling we have. We’ll notice ourselves laughing, smiling, or just walking around our home feeling HAPPY. Don’t miss those moments…
(3) Open space is a gift. That’s really what STEP is…a way to create open space that doesn’t feel scary because everything important is safely stored in a way that it will come back to us when we need it. For example, I texted a friend yesterday to say that a meeting this week had been canceled, but that I would reach out so we could meet in person in a couple of weeks. Once I sent that text, I immediately went to my calendar and created a trigger for next week to remind me to set up the follow-up meeting and reach out to this friend. Because I check my calendar each day, I know I’ll see that trigger, so my mind can REST–knowing that this meeting won’t fall through the cracks. When we learn how to trust the system and follow the protocol for putting every thought, idea, paper, etc. where it belongs, and when we maintain the simple routines (like checking our calendar and lists, doing a weekly review, etc.), then we can thrive while we are surrounded by open space. Clearing space off and keeping it clean can bring so much joy.
I hope that you have been as inspired by Delora as I have been, and we invite you to build your system, implement those 10-minute microbursts, and create that open space in your life that YOU have been craving!
Would you like to work with us at LearnDoBecome to create your very own Command Central?
Ready to become a STEPper and build your full Command Central? Our STEP Mastery members have a special bonus class this month–all about time blocking. If you join by August 23rd, you can participate in the live event! Or join by the end of August to get the recording. Recordings of special events can be purchased for $50 on their own, or you can become a STEP Mastery member and become grandfathered in to all future STEP Mastery Member events!

Four Weeks to Finished starts September 1st! Would you like to get out of the overwhelm with a solid Command Central–built in one month with lots of coaching, support, and community along the way? Our special group coaching program is only offered a few times a year, and we would love for you to sign up! Click here to get on the waitlist!

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