A lot of people think that a STEP Command Central is a tool for getting your house organized. It does that…yes! But it also provides a ton of support in your professional work.
Our team here at LearnDoBecome uses the STEP system every single day, and today we’re sharing a members spotlight and some hopefully helpful ideas to give you a boost in the work you do!
A few amazing photos were recently shared by Suzi in our STEP Mastery group, and when I saw her clean, organized workspace–and then read how happy and excited she felt as she stepped into her new position, I knew the whole community would benefit from her energy. Gratefully, Suzi gave us permission to share!
All right, here are her photos and the post that went with it:
Right now, in the United States, children are going back to school (and I must admit I get a little giddy even now because, as a little girl, I always LOVED the start of a new school year). And when I think about the projects in Suzi’s district office that are going to be handled with such love and care, I feel so grateful to her and the others who nurture our children.
But I want to pause for a moment and pull out 5 lessons from what Suzi shared that can help anybody who has a job that involves tasks, projects, and managing information.
(1) It’s easier to love our jobs when we don’t feel overwhelmed.
It might sound like I’m stating the obvious, but from what I’ve noticed, there are two main kinds of “overwhelm” at work. There’s the overwhelm that comes when too much is given to you–and it’s beyond human capacity to do what is expected. (Those are the jobs that typically have high turnover and/or need to be adjusted so the load can be shared by others.) And then there’s the overwhelm that happens when systems haven’t been put into place yet. That is where the STEP Command Central can truly make a difference.
Because Eric and I are self-employed, we’ve had to learn how to set healthy expectations for ourselves (which has been really hard for me at times), but as we’ve learned how to plan, prepare, and implement systems that support us, our work has truly become a joy. (Someone once told me that entrepreneurs will always be overwhelmed, and I just have to say that doesn’t have to be true.)
(2) Clear space and an ability to focus makes a huge difference.
I know it’s “normal” for a busy person’s desk to be covered with papers and lots of things. (Or for their digital tools to be crazy full and disorganized…) But even though people might hold that clutter up as a badge of honor that says, “See how busy and important I am!” OR simply power through and get work done in spite of the clutter, I have rarely–if ever–seen the mess itself actually benefit someone long-term.
I’m not saying that people with messy desks can’t do amazing work. There’s that fun photo of 3 desks belonging to Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Mark Twain, and all of them are incredibly cluttered. Likewise, I grew up in a home with lots of clutter and piles and never had a clean space to work, but there was lots of love and goodness that came from that home.
I’ve also read books that tout the benefits of disorder–because it saves time having to put things away and get them out again, etc. There are obviously adaptations, exceptions, and plenty of wiggle room here, but the key that I see is the STEP Command Central. If you have a seamless system that naturally holds everything and gives you the ability to focus–and doesn’t take any extra time “filing” or “finding” things, it’s like a turbo-booster.
If I could go back and build a Command Central with people who did great things in spite of clutter, I think it would be interesting to see the counter-factual. 🙂
(3) We feel most productive when we create systems we’ll actually use.
That’s what Suzi did with her screen–using Google tasks and her email, side-by-side in a format that works for her. Some people prefer handheld devices and paper planners. Others use multiple screens, iPads, and apps. The format doesn’t matter, as long as it’s something that you use without feeling any resentment or resistance.
(4) Growth and progress is a basic human need.
I love when Suzi shared that she’s getting projects done efficiently and then getting more assignments (that don’t overwhelm her). It feels so good when we can master a skill or complete a project and then grow into the next ones. Sometimes repetitive jobs can feel relaxing–especially if there’s a lot going on in your life in other areas, but when you implement your Command Central and start getting everything done quickly and well, your brain will notice it’s not being challenged as much and will start craving something more. I love that our community members are up-leveling into new opportunities.
(5) In order to love our jobs, our brains need a way to “turn off” and replenish.
I felt SO happy for Suzi when I read that she is sleeping at night. She can do great work in her office and then go home feeling calm because all the loops have been closed. If you work from home or run your own business, it’s perhaps even more essential to have a “shut off valve” because otherwise your brain will stay in work-mode 24/7. When you have a STEP Command Central in place, you can close up your email for the day–with a clear inbox and an action folder that can be handled the next day. You can review your calendar to make sure all of your date-specific tasks are completed, and you can look at your projects and routines to set up a plan for the next day. And then you can turn off your “professional” brain and transition back into your personal and family needs.
I have spoken with SO many people who can never be present with their families because they have a list of things cycling through their brains and a constant sense of, “There’s more to do!!” That is exhausting. And it’s not fun for anyone. Our relationships need energy in order to thrive, and our brains need rest at night from projects and tasks. This isn’t wishful thinking. It’s possible for you to have this, too.
I know that the things I’ve shared here may sound overly-simplified. I know there are situations out there where someone’s current job is beyond stressful, and I don’t have the faintest clue how much is going on behind the scenes. In those situations, I simply send my love and hope that those individuals can find some relief and support. But I do believe that the majority of jobs in the world can be lightened, improved, and more fully enjoyed if the 5 concepts above are implemented.
Sending lots of love!
(1) Four Weeks to Finished is a powerful group coaching session starting September 1st! We’re already welcoming new members, and we can’t wait to work with you!
This is the most support and coaching we offer, and we only open 2-3 times a year, so if you’d love to get your Command Central up and running so you can have a clear, calm mind, please join us!
(2) For all our STEP Mastery members, we’ve recently launched some special Member Bonuses!
In addition to your modules, Facebook community, and all the fun that comes with Mastery, we’re providing special classes to help you make the most of your new system!
If you’re not yet a member of STEP Mastery, now is a great time to join! You’ll be eligible for all future member bonuses–AND you’ll have lifetime access to all the recordings and materials we’ve prepared to help you build your full Command Central.
Learn more about STEP Mastery right here–and message us at the bottom of that page (or send any questions to [email protected]) if we can help you know which program is right for you!
Sherrie Olson says
What are the special bonuses for STEP Mastery members?
Taryn Wood says
Thanks for asking! Our August bonus was a Time Blocking class with Jill from Team LearnDoBecome, and Alia recently hosted a class on Google Drive. If you are already a Mastery member, you can find these bonuses in the STEP Library. Let us know if you need help finding it!