Hello! I’m Alia, a team member and coach at LearnDoBecome, and my husband, Josh, and I were asked to guest podcast this week to share how we’ve created our Command Centrals together over the past year and a half of being married.
Creating a STEP system has been a huge part of my life from childhood to adult life, and I wanted to make sure that Josh didn’t feel forced into organizing or doing things “my way.” We started with sharing our respective calendars with one another, and over the first few months of being married, we set up our physical Command Centrals, set up some basic household routines, and got our email inboxes down to zero.
This system worked great for us, but in the last couple months, Josh has been preparing for his medical school applications and has taken on a few new responsibilities at work, in the community, and with our church youth group. We are also expecting our first child this summer, and we realized that with so much about to change in our personal lives, it is more important than ever to create a system that will hold all of the thoughts, projects, tasks, etc. that would usually be taking up space in our minds.
A couple days ago, we went through the four weeks of homework assignments from our past Four Weeks to Finished coaching session (more on that below!), and we put the finishing touches on our Command Centrals. Now, with all of these tools at the ready, we feel so much more confident about our many responsibilities, and we know that we can work together as partners and rely on one another as we break down projects, complete various tasks, and accomplish goals that we have set for ourselves.
Come listen to our story and please feel free to type in any questions or success stories of your own in the comments section.

We’re also featuring one of our “Finishers” at the end of the podcast who participated in Four Weeks to Finished in September and has been working alongside his wife to organize the details of their personal lives, family, and professions.
Related Links:
Four Weeks to Finished Group Coaching Program (starting February 2, 2023!)
Steps to Everyday Productivity – Our Signature Program to Help You Finally Stop Drowning in Piles
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