I love seeing what other people–just like me–are doing to make progress, find joy, create order, and build lives they can’t wait to wake up and live.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been receiving literally hundreds of emails, messages, and success stories from our community members, and today I’m highlighting just a few, but I’m doing this in a way that hopefully will feel exciting and actionable for you.
After each story, I’m offering a link that will enable you to go deeper and make progress in your own life. I want you to know that LearnDoBecome is here for you, and we know that as you take doable steps each day, you’ll see that organization, clarity, and JOY is for you, too!
Let’s dive in!
(1) Celebrating Wins as We Go
Many of you know that this month, our team is working with our Four Weeks to Finished group coaching program. We spent the first two weeks building the distinct parts of the STEP Command Central, and then we gathered last week to dive into the Weekly Review.
At the beginning of the class, I invited our members to celebrate their wins, and this is a really important step that we often miss. (This absolutely includes me….)
In the book, The Gap and the Gain, by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, I learned that when we focus on on gains (what we’ve learned, achieved, etc.) verses the gaps in our lives (how far we are from where we want to be), we experience more joy and momentum. I’ve noticed this really works, and so I’ve been personally noting my wins every single week, and it’s amazing how positive and light I’ve been feeling. 🙂
Here are a few wins shared by our members regarding their work building their STEP Command Centrals:
I can’t tell you how proud I am of each of these members, and I’d love for you to take a moment to acknowledge your success, as well!
How You Could Put This Into Action: A few years ago, one of our team members created a “Happy Success List” that works in tandem with her Next Actions List. It’s a fun way to measure our gains each week, and you can click here to learn more!
(2) Starting With What We Have
One of our STEPpers/Finishers named Stephanie posted this photo and said, ”It’s all ‘made’ but on the dining room table! Still reason to celebrate!!!”
There are SO many reasons I love this, but the main reason is because she got right to work and used resources she already had on hand. If you notice the support cubbies on the left (which are designed to hold items related to current projects and current routines so you don’t have to dig through piles to find them), they’re made of cereal boxes stapled together. (She even included a video of her making the cubbies inside our Facebook group.)
When you’re trying to change your life, it’s the easiest thing in the world to say, “Well, I don’t have the resources. I need to wait until I can get to the store (or until I can afford it–or until the stars align, etc.).” But pure momentum doesn’t require “perfection.” It simply requires action.
How You Could Put This Into Action: We have a video on our YouTube channel that explains how the support cubbies work, and while you can use a filing cabinet, stacking trays, boxes, or whatever “contains” items in an organized way, I believe everyone needs some kind of storage system for support materials. You can click here to access the video!
(3) Consistently Learning and Doing
This is from Purvee, one of our STEPpers who is knocking it out of the park. I literally get tears in my eyes whenever I read her updates. Here’s one example:
“I am so excited to share my progress. Below is my Command Central. I got the bins from Walmart for $1.50 each. I had my old trolley organization (system) for many years with junk in it. Now I changed it into my Command Central. Just want to let you know I just give 1 hour daily to this. And I listen to replays and materials while I’m driving and at work or during break time. I do 3 microbursts for 10 minutes each. It makes a difference. I can’t thank (the team) enough. You have almost changed my life 60%. Best part is I have peace now as everything is falling in place automatically.”
She is using what she has and keeping it simple, but she’s also making consistent effort. She listens to the videos and instructional resources during the opens spaces of her day. She dedicates one hour to doing microbursts and putting what she learns into action.
And the best part is the “becoming.” She’s feeling peaceful. Her life is changing. She knows that this is going to impact her for the rest of her life.
How You Could Put This Into Action: Of course I’d love for you to build your full Command Central and do exactly what Purvee, Stephanie, and all of the others are doing, but for starters, we have a whole list of things you can do to Start STEPping for Free.
I hope you can feel how much we care for you here at LearnDoBecome! Behind the scenes here, I’ve been doing a lot of personal work, brainstorming, dreaming, simplifying, and trying to figure out my best next steps to help build a STEP Command Central on every desk–while honoring my personal health, my family time, and the deep desires I have in my heart to serve you.
I am committed to serving you in STEP and in our ARISE membership, and I am 100% confident that as you come in and immerse yourself in LearnDoBecome, you’re going to find that your life feels so calm, happy, and peaceful.
You have the power to create your life, to be in the driver’s seat each day, to serve and love and manage how you respond to the challenges and opportunities that come into your path.
We are so grateful to be here with you and hope you will take the next step in your own life that feels most exciting.
April and Team LearnDoBecome
Related Links:
Great Book (Amazon Affiliate Link): The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy
Secrets to Your “Happy Success” List
YouTube Video About Support Cubbies
Steps to Everyday Productivity – Our signature program designed to help you build your full Command Central and get out of overwhelm for good!
Our ARISE membership – an amazing gathering place for community members that are using their Command Centrals to refine relationships, health, finances, individual purpose, and more. We focus on a new topic each month, and this is an amazing opportunity to receive coaching and support from Team LearnDoBecome. You can sign up for a free, 7-day trial here.
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