Years ago, my friend was getting ready to run a race, and she had a “goal time” in mind that she hoped to hit. As she was stretching and preparing for the start of the event, she heard two other runners talking about their goal time–which was exactly the same as hers.
“Great!” she thought. “Instead of looking at my watch the whole time, I can just follow them. I’ll probably hit my goal time if I stay close.”
This conversation had a powerful impact on me because this is how I feel about the friends and mentors I choose in my life. If we’re going in the same direction–toward the same goals, all I need to do is stay close to them, and I’ll be more likely to “get there.”
As you’re looking at LearnDoBecome and what Eric and I are working towards, we want to be really clear about our values–so you’ll know if we’re the kinds of friends you want in your life and if this community is a place where you want to stay close. 🙂
First, these are the 3 phrases we often use to describe our mission here at LearnDoBecome:
(1) Architect a Life of Excellence
“Architect” is both a noun and a verb. We love the idea of designing our lives–not just letting life “happen to us.” Buildings are designed with blueprints, food is prepared according to a recipe, and clothing is sewn to a pattern. But many people never put dedicated thought into how they will live and work. We want to be deliberate and intentional in designing the life we really want. We want to put ourselves in the driver’s seat of our lives and recognize the power we have to make decisions.
(2) Wake Up Excited, Go to Bed Content
This is one of our favorite phrases. Many humans wake up feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Then they go through the day in a hurried, frantic way, and at the end of the day, they often go to bed feeling frustrated, discouraged, and beaten down–as though they don’t measure up.
I personally used to believe that if anyone in the world was suffering–or if anything was wrong in our lives–we should wake up anxious and sad because it would demonstrate how much compassion we have for others. However, the more I’ve learned and experienced, the more I’ve realized that waking up depressed or anxious doesn’t help anyone. Waking up with hope and purpose enables us to do good in the world, and that “good” is so desperately needed.
(3) Create Simple Systems So We Can Do What Matters Most
My goal isn’t for you to have a clean house, but I want you to be free to do what you’re meant to do. I love creating simple systems because it gives me freedom. For example, I have a system I use to coordinate events with our local college students who come to our home in small groups once a week. It’s not the system itself I love. It’s the opportunity to enjoy those students without feeling stressed.
I also have a system for our podcast–everything from writing down the idea to getting the podcast recorded and edited, and then sharing the episode with our community.
Whether it’s work, family, or personal activities, having systems decreases the overwhelm.
Next, we want to share the 6 areas of ARISE:
These are also the 6 areas of focus in general at LearnDoBecome.
(1) Discover and live your unique purpose.
This is all about developing clarity on who we are and what we want to bring to the world.
(2) Create a calm, organized, uplifting environment.
Again, this isn’t because you need to have a clean house. It’s because when our environment is free of clutter and feels light and happy, it impacts every other area of our lives.
(3) Achieve financial security so you can give back.
Life isn’t all about money, but it’s important to have the resources to provide for our families and have what we need.
(4) Build a strong, happy family and healthy relationships.
Having people in our lives who we love and who love us is one of the keys to a joyful life.
(5) Increase your mental and physical health and well-being.
Whether it’s exercise, nutrition, rest, or strengthening our mental health, we want to feel confident, hopeful, and strong as we move through each day.
(6) Draw closer to your Higher Power.
We don’t define what your Higher Power should be–just as we don’t tell you exactly how you should architect your life–but we do believe that we can each feel strengthened, encouraged, and empowered as we connect with a power beyond our own.
It is our privilege to work with you here at LearnDoBecome, and we appreciate you and the chance we all have to learn and grow together!
Related Links:
Steps to Everyday Productivity (STEP) – Our signature program designed to help you build your full Command Central and get out of overwhelm for good!
Free Training to Learn About STEP! How to Finally Stop Drowning in Piles
Our ARISE membership – an amazing gathering place for community members that are using their Command Centrals to refine relationships, health, finances, individual purpose, and more. We focus on a new topic each month, and this is an amazing opportunity to receive coaching and support from Team LearnDoBecome. You can sign up for a free, 7-day trial here.
Build the Life You Want – Book by Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey (Amazon Affiliate Link)
I wanted to let you know I listened this yesterday and the audio sounded wonky. More muted in points or like you had recently been to the dentist and still had a bit of a numb mouth! lol I know you didn’t but this is the best way I know to describe it. I could understand you but it was just not as crisp and clear as usual. I thought it was odd but then part way through the episode you mentioned new bluetooth microphones and it made perfect sense! Add microphone research to your projects list because I definitely want you guys to continue partnering in podcasts!! Blessings!q
You are so kind with your support! Thank you! ❤️ The test recording we did sounded great, but something happened with my microphone when we actually recorded. Maybe I should add an explanation to the beginning? I think we’ve sorted it out, but I was so sad to hear the recording so garbled when I listened back. But sitting down to record together is so rare that I didn’t want to delete it. 🤷🏻♀️ Thanks for your encouragement! ❤️