If you’re like me, you are MORE than ready for an awesome 2019 to get on its way, but there’s still some mental, digital, and/or physical clutter that needs to be handled before you can really get out there and live your mission.
Here are two things I am doing this week to get fully ready for this BEST YEAR.
Listen to the podcast (audio is above–simply press “play”!), or you can scroll down for links and a summary.
(1) Getting Emails Back into Shape
With our four children home for 17 days this season, we’ve been prioritizing family time over computer work—which has been wonderful, but a lot of emails had to wait.
I spruced up my inbox with a new background and thoroughly went through the “Emails to Zero” process.
***If you use Gmail, go to “Settings” and then “Themes” and you can add any background you’d like to your inbox!
Because you are part of our LearnDoBecome community, you have this Emails to Zero Training FREE!
Click here for the 20-minute tutorial, divided into 5 short videos, and you will feel like a new person. I know it sounds crazy to say that a clean inbox will change your life, but it DOES.
And just in case you need more convincing, here’s why I believe this is SO important:
- It’s an easy win that will give you a lift!
- It trains your brain to process—and not just “collect.”
- When that important email DOES come in, you’ll feel confident, knowing your mind can rest because you have a system.
- It’s a forcing function for you to decide what matters and what doesn’t. For example, when you highlight a whole book, nothing is highlighted. When you keep 48,042 starred emails in your inbox, none of them are marked as essential.
Side note—stepping more fully into my mission next year, I want to help more people to get out of the overwhelm. I’ve been out of it for more than 10 years now, and so sometimes the memories of how hard it was to manage the family kind of fades, but this recent post from Nicole in side our Steps to Everyday Productivity Facebook group totally inspired me (and the whole community!)
(2) Getting My MIND Ready for Growth and Joy
Over the past few years, Eric and I have invested tens of thousands of dollars in coaching—and HOURS of time reading great books, listening to audio programs, and talking through a whole lot of issues that needed to be figured out.
The book I am reading right now, “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen (which is in the public domain, so it’s free!) brings together so many of the ideas we’ve been talking about, and you can listen to the entire audiobook in one hour.
Or you can get the text or the Kindle version free right here.
This is sooooooo good. Seriously, I’ve listened to it about five or six times already.
One concept I learned this morning is that life is like a kaleidoscope. You shift your thinking, and you can transform the picture that you see. That has been true in my life more times than I can count.
I’ve been turning on audiobooks whenever I wake up too early and can’t quite go back to sleep—and this is a FAVORITE.
Hope these two ideas help you today!
I have made a commitment to “come alive” at LearnDoBecome this year. There’s kind of a long story behind that decision, and I’ve alluded to it in the past, but in essence, I’ve been afraid to share my heart and mind publicly over the past few years, and it’s time to change that. I love this community and finally feel “safe” making a deeper effort to support you (though my fingers are trembling a little and my heart is pounding as I type this).
Sending so much love and wishing you a very happy new year!
If you would like to share these ideas with your friends and family on Facebook, click here!
April and Eric
Related Resources
If you haven’t filled out this ARISE survey, our new monthly membership is starting this year, and we want YOU to help us shape it!
Are you interested in starting off the new year with a clean slate? Learn how to bring your emails to zero quickly and easily in our free training!
If you looking for a way to make more forward movement in the things that matter most, our free class, How to Stop Drowning in Piles, teaches you four simple steps you can apply today to finally wake up feeling like you are on your game. We look forward to having you join us!
Yes, I would like to get organized and free of paper clutter and all else. How to get the rest of family on board?
Hi, Mic! Having your spouse on board is great, but not required. These tips we share can still bring more clarity and order to your life. We’ve love to have you join us for our free class if you’d like to learn more. Our hour-long class focuses on four simple steps anyone can use to get a better handle on life, home, goals, projects, and tasks. You can click through to learndobecome.com/step to request access. We look forward to having you review the information and know it will be time well spent. Enjoy! Please let us know if you have any questions at all.
Could you please help me with the PROCESS of keeping the STEP method going? I followed your initial STEPs, had my command central organized, zero emails, and then… didn’t know what to do to keep it that way 🙁
Thank you!
Hi, Dorothy! Thanks for reaching out to us. The key to maintaining the STEP program comes in holding a consistent Weekly Review. You can find more information about that in Module 7. Staying current with that and your Context Based Next Actions List will help you stay on top of things and keep moving forward. You can always ask follow-up questions via email ([email protected]) or in the Facebook group if you are a Mastery member. We look forward to hearing your success stories!
Bev, thanks for reaching out to us. We’d be happy to send you a copy of the training. You can click through to learndobecome.com/step to request access. We look forward to having you review the information and know it will be time well spent. Enjoy! Please let us know if you have any questions at all.
Listening to this helped me to finally decide to get my emails to zero! And I LOVE it. I didnt realize what a difference it would make in clearing my mind. I used to get overwhelmed every time I opened my email, but now I look forward to it, and I love that it only takes me a few minutes to go thru it and clear it each day! Thank you so much April!
Julie, thanks for your comment. Getting email to zero is a quick win that makes more of a difference than you realize; just as you said. 🙂 We’re so excited for you! Thanks for being part of our community here at LearnDoBecome!
I love your information and look forward to ending my “piles”. I am always sad when I find a great solution and then scroll down and find that I cant afford the program, and cant afford not to do it! This dilemma happens a lot, however, I am doing your “piles” program in March . This month I am launching my own little fledgling business and plan to use your program to help me get up and running! Thanks for the inspiration!
Cynthia, thanks so much for your comment and kind words. We look forward to hearing your success stories as you move forward with this new inspiration. 🙂 We wish you all the best as you move forward with your new business!