We are so excited to share today’s interview with you! Ana Tirolese, a member of our Steps to Everyday Productivity (STEP) community, has been making beautiful changes in her life. Whether you a part of our STEP program or whether you are part of our LearnDoBecome community, her story is sure to impact you like it impacted me.
Here are a few of the things you’ll learn in today’s podcast:
- How breaking large ideas and projects down into smaller steps increases our ability to focus and move forward.
- How STEP helps us implement all sorts of other systems (Marie Kondo’s KonMari method, FlyLady, and more!) by organizing our minds and giving us the tools to give each idea a place.
I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for this program. I love how it is helping me set up the basics needed to move forward with my life. I love how well it integrates with other programs (ie, FlyLady, KonMari, GTD, etc.). As I go through the program and have a question or issue, it is addressed in the next step or module. It is like April and Eric are in my brain! I am loving the journey. Thank you!
Ana Tirolese

- The power of having a support network.
- How an organized mind gives us the ability to really dream and have a vision for our lives.
- Encouragement to keep moving forward. If something isn’t working, tweak it and try again!
❤️❤️❤️ YAY, ME!!! The area is cleared off, and I have a very basic Command Central. My husband keeps coming in, smiling, and saying, Wow, this looks amazing!”
Over the next few weeks, I will be continuing with the modules to finish the set-up phase and also process thousands of miscellaneous (and otherwise) pieces of paper.
This will be my main work area until we can clear enough out of the living room to move this desk to that location.
I am exhausted, but happy. Thank you all for your continued encouragement. ❤️❤️❤️
Ana Tirolese

Don’t you love her enthusiasm? I hope you can see the power that the STEP program has, and what a STEP Command Central can do for you. But more importantly, I hope you are inspired by Ana’s determination to not play the victim and to continue making forward movement. As you hear about the way she has moved towards her dreams, I hope you feel greater excitement and focus for your dreams.
Thank you for being with us at LearnDoBecome! We are truly honored to serve you!
Related Resources
If you want to learn about our 25,000 STEP Command Central Challenge, just click here to join the movement!

Are you interested in seeing how STEP can help you implement the KonMari method? Come listen in to this podcast to learn more!

Ana is a true inspiration to me. I wish her good health, happiness, and continued success. I was not aware of STEP before. I will look into it.
Thank you for your comment, Linda! We would love to have you join us for a free class! We offer a few live classes each week and you can use this link http://www.LearnDoBecome.com/step to find the best day/time for you. Please let us know if you have any questions at all. 🙂
Ana is a wonderful friend and has a big heart. Her husband and son are pretty terrific men as well. I have known Ana since 2003 through an online group.
Very blessed to have Ana pass my path.
Keep on Ana
Jessica Anne (flylady member)
I thought there was something wrong with me that I had so many ideas and so much desire to accomplish them. It is so encouraging to hear your story and know that I am not the only one who is full of ideas still at our age yet our minds cannot process them enough to get anything done! I am even more excited to keep going on the Learn Do Become program.
Pam, thank you for your comment. We are so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing your success stories!