Have you ever found that you end up with THOUSANDS of emails sitting in your inbox full of things you need to do? Today we have a video and podcast to help you out!
We’re going to show you how you can clear the tasks and put them into a seamless system (outside your head!) that will leave you feeling mentally clear and ready to take on the world. Enjoy!
Video Time Stamps
- 0:00 – The goal? Process three emails with multiple facets, adding tasks to the appropriate places in my STEP Command Central–so my mind can rest, knowing that those tasks will come back to me just when they are needed.
- 3:00 – Email #1: Leadership training with updates for the week
- 6:30 – Email #2: Friend with a budget worksheet
- 8:40 – Email #3: Invitation for a get together
- 11:00 – Why having a system to manage email makes it JOYFUL. Come learn more in our Steps to Everyday Productivity Program (STEP)! We have a free class where we’ll tell you all about it–linked below.
Podcast Highlights
This week, our video and podcast go hand in hand. The video provides a more visual walkthrough of three emails, and the podcast provides an audio version of how I think through nine additional emails.
I know it might sound boring, tedious, etc. (This puts Eric to sleep….) But I promise you that learning how to process simple things like this will not only give you more mental clarity NOW, but it will help your brain to create patterns for processing bigger things in the future. Excited for you!!
(You can either just listen to the audio by clicking the “play” button at the top of this post, or you can read a quick summary below.)
- Notification to pay health insurance: Create notification that repeats monthly in Google Calendar to pay this monthly bill. Log in and make payment. Compose an email to health insurance company about issue; then create calendar trigger in Franklin Planner to follow up, if no response.
- Email from cancelled service: Log in to check that I wasn’t charged. Send email to confirm with company that service was cancelled. Create calendar trigger to follow up.
- Email to self with mind sweep: Put ideas into task or projects lists.
- Audio post recording and outline from team member: Schedule time in calendar-specific task list (in Franklin Planner) to record voice memo when I have energy and quiet. Move email to Tickler and put (T) next to task in my planner.
- Lynda.com info email from library: Log into Lynda.com with library login and browse course options. Add task to my “To Discuss” context on my Next Actions List: “Talk to children about Lynda course options.” Add some resources to my own list of things to listen to when walking or during quiet time.
- Email test for Power of Moms: Review email and send back edits.
- Dates for child’s extracurricular activity: Open two screens to put email side-by-side with calendar and add dates. Create calendar note to ask questions about certain future events at next extracurricular event.
- Testimonial about STEP Program: Record a voice memo to send to that person to convey my love and appreciation.
- Email from daughter about opportunity to reach out to another service missionary: Add this missionary’s email address to my weekly routine in Asana, so I can write to her as I’m writing to others. Use repeating due date. Visualize flexible routines as a conveyor belt.
Remember, if there are any emails you can process in two minutes or less–just go ahead and do it right away! The goal is to process emails and make decisions quickly, so that you can build momentum and move forward on the things that matter most–or simply give you more time to breathe and spend time with loved ones.
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You can also find us in these other places! Come join the party!
How to Get Your Emails to Zero
We’ve launched a totally free training to help you get your emails to zero–and keep them there–in 90 minutes or less. Come sign up and experience it for yourself!
How to Finally Stop Drowning in Piles
Have you had a chance to attend our free class? We’ll show you four simple steps to get out of any pile and create a life of peace and order! Can’t wait to see you there!
Sessing says
April Perry says
You’re so welcome!! Grateful you’re here with us!
Robin Harris says
Where do you keep the future blank pages of your Franklin Planner before they are added to your binder?
Really enjoying STEP!
Taryn Wood says
We’re so glad you’re enjoying the STEP Program, Robin!
This post shows more about how April uses her Franklin Planner: https://learndobecome.com/2minute-tour. Feel free to send us a message if you have further questions, [email protected]. Thanks for being with us!
Rebecca Hobbs says
I signed up to get your emails months ago and I finally started listening! Thank you for the tips on email processing and setting up reminders I run two businesses and this is helpful.
April Perry says
Yay, Rebecca!! With two businesses, plus life, this is going to make such a huge difference for you. Super excited you are here!
Allison says
Just starting to dive into your program. I appreciate this post!
I’m curious what you then do with the email after you extract the tasks. Do you delete, archive, file or something else?
April Perry says
Great question! If I want to keep it for reference, I archive it. I have a handful of folders for business/personal, and I put them into those folders if they are important, and I might want to locate them in the future. If I will need the email when I am doing the task, I usually put it in my @Tickler folder, and I reference on the task that it’s there with (T) as the symbol. If the email isn’t important to keep, I delete. My mind just needs to know that I could easily find it if I needed it. 😀 Hope that helps!!
Sue says
Hi … I’m new to STEP and really enjoying all I’m learning. Last night I watched to the Evernote session. I LOVE that app but dang, never knew I had an email thru them!!! Awesome nuggets.
My question – sounds like lots of people in the program are using Asana (aka: a sauna 😆) … is there a tutorial I haven’t discovered yet that you share how you use it with STEP? I don’t use that program – yet. It’s on my ‘future’ list to review.
Thank you!
Taryn Wood says
Great question, Sue! There are some trainings on Asana here on our website as well as in the Resources section of your membership. 🙂 Just enter “Asana” into the search bar to see the articles here. We’re glad you enjoyed the training on Evernote. Thanks for being with us!
Denise says
I am stuck with even attempting to learn about the emails to zero & I really need it bc I have over 60,000 emails. I use gmail & tried learning from a gmail thing how it works but I became confused. What did stick in my brain is that archives only stay archived for 30 days & then they are somehow automatically deleted. Gone forever scares me, so now I’m stuck. Please advise. Thank you, sincerely, Denise
Taryn Wood says
Denise, thanks for reaching out to us! We totally understand!! We have tools and super simple steps to get emails to zero- and more… check out http://learndobecome.com/inbox-zero to sign up for our emails to zero training! Deleted message will disappear after 30 days but archived messages can be found in the “all mail” folder of your Gmail account. If you do a google search for “delete vs archive in gmail” you’ll be able to see the difference. Thanks for being with us!
Debra Whelan says
I did some of this with new email address. So it’s as bad as before. But, now maybe I can handle it better.
Thanks for the video!
Debra Whelan says
made some typos because I have Cerebral and can’t type as fast as my mind thinks. So I hope you can understand what I was trying to type/say.
April Perry says
You’re doing beautifully, Debra!! I’m so glad you’re here, and we’re privileged to serve you. 🙂
Mary Jeanne Groesbeck says
I am enjoying the program and have seen some results already Thank you. I may have questions as we move forward and I hope there will be another chance to ask them.
Taryn Wood says
Welcome, Mary! We’re thrilled to have you with us and we look forward to hearing your success stories!
There are several ways to connect with us to ask questions. You can always send an email to email(at)learndobecome(dot)com, and if you’re part of our Mastery program you can join our STEP Mastery Facebook group. The members there are so supportive and helpful! Mastery members within their first 6 months of purchasing the program have the opportunity to join us for a few Live Q&A calls. These calls start automatically 3 months after you join. Check out the STEP Library for more details. 🙂 We’re so glad you’re here!