If you’ve been with us for awhile, you’ve heard me talk about how Project Lists and Next Action Lists help us move forward in our lives. These simple concepts build an incredible foundation for a life that feels calm and peaceful, where you have momentum moving towards your goals, and where you don’t feel overwhelmed at the end of the day.
We’ve created a short PDF with three short lessons to give you the tools you need to actually complete your projects and tasks. At the end of each lesson, there’s a short assignment (10-minutes or less!).
By the end of these lessons you’ll have a Current Projects List that doesn’t feel overwhelming and a Next Actions List that is super streamlined. Download the eBook here–or listen in and skim through the topics covered below!
Lessons We Cover
- 0:00 – Intro
- 3:20 – Lesson 1: Create Your Current Projects List
- 12:00 – Lesson 2: What’s a Next Action?
- 15:50 – Lesson 3: Organize Your Next Actions List
- 27:00 – Encouragement and inspiration to move forward
We’re so excited for you to contribute your unique skills to the world. When you’re drowning in clutter–mental or physical–it is nearly impossible to fully express those gifts, because you’re spending so much time feeling overwhelmed. But we are here to help you! We can’t wait to help you create a system that will help you manage all the details in your life, so that you can move forward on the things that matter most.
So come download our eBook (above!) and take these simple steps to get your lists in order–and then let us know how it went in the comments below! So excited to see your progress!
Related Resources
One of our STEP community members shared this fun spin-off of the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie dilemma–and how STEP has made a difference for her. Check it out here!

How to Stop Drowning in Piles – Free Class!
Are you ready for more training? Feeling excited about getting your whole life organized and building a “Command Central” to keep all the details totally organized? Learn more about the Steps to Everyday Productivity (STEP) program in our free class!

Or if you’re ready to start right in, join here:

Thank you!!! I needed this reset. My to do list has become bogged down by my routines too much and has become hard to keep focused. I love your example routine list and am trying to create one of my own but I’m struggling not making it an extensive “what I wish I did every day if I could accomplish all my dreams” list. How do I keep it narrowed down?
Megan, I feel your pain. 😃 I DO have a super long routine list. There is no way I could ever do it all. But then I create a super basic one with my must-do list, and I add calendar triggers for any other really important routines I don’t want to forget.
The key is to be able to review your list as needed and feel good about your regular routines, but not overwhelm yourself. Does that make sense?
That is a great idea. I can still create my ideal list for days when I actually have the time and energy to clean, practice, cook, study, organize, exercise…do everything. But having the narrowed down must do list ready for busy or irregular days makes a lot of sense.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
I’m anxious to learn more about your suggestions.
This was an AMAZING podcast! I feel like you are in my head and holding my hand. I purchased your program months back and I started it and was loving it. I got distracted AGAIN and let life overwhelm me. One of the overwhelms was that I learned I have white matter disease that left me with cognitive issues. I have been doing the best I can with functional medicine books and healing modalities that have helped very much. I feel so lucky that I have your program to also help me through this time. I am ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to fully embrace what you are teaching. I have so many dreams inside of me that I want to share and be that role model for my boys that I know I can be. I know, without a doubt, that the next part of my journey starts with diving into this program and commiting to organizing my life, as it is right now, by consistently putting this system into place. Thank you so much for bringing this to the world.
You have totally got this, Cynthia! We’re all cheering you and your dreams and your family on. 🙂
I, too, was following along with the program I purchase and then got distract. I couldn’t even figure out where I stopped but from an email inquiry I made to your staff, I received a helpful and encouraging response and started again. Then distraction of sickness stopped me and I almost gave up, but I remembered the peaceful feelings I would have following the program, even imperfectly so I thought I just needed to begin again and received email about your recent podcasts. This one was perfect for me so back to current projects and next actions. So glad to have the pdf for reference. Many thanks.
Nancy, thank YOU for being with us! We’re so glad that you decided to see the program through. We know that it can change your life as you continue working through the modules and learning how to apply the concepts that are taught. We’re thrilled to have you with us and we look forward to hearing your success stories!
I cannot find the form you shared for organizing our projects with the check boxes during the webinar. I did not see it in the email.
Please let me know how to get to it.
Thank you,
Theresa, thanks for asking! We sent an email with the worksheet attached. You can also find it here, https://learndobecome.com/project-planning-with-april-and-eric/. We’re so glad you’re here!
Do you have an affiliate link that I can add to my website, JJsJoys.com
In today’s podcast, I’m writing about how you helped me get into routines.
I’m linking to your great program even if there is not an affiliate link.
Thank you for your kind words! We’ve sent you an email with more information on affiliate links. Thanks for being with us!
Great podcast. I have been a GTD’er for years and it has made a huge difference in my work life. Total game-changer. However, I really never found it to be nearly as effective at home/in my personal life. Your program seems to be that bridge.
Quick question though. I am having a hard time getting my head around a total of 7-8 current projects. I have way more than 7-8 current “projects” (as defined by GTD) at work, even before I add in my personal ones. I feel like I can cut-down my personal projects to well under 7-8. But work? No way!
Have you had other people bring this up?
Hi Dave!! So happy you’re here, and I love to chat with a fellow GTD-er. 🙂 Okay, I totally get the 7-8 current project “limit” feeling hard. We run our own business/team, and there are literally hundreds of things we could/need/should do. But that doesn’t work for us. It stresses me out to try to do too much, and I get overwhelmed. If it WORKS for you to do lots and lots of projects simultaneously, that’s fine, but if you’re feeling weighed down, I recommend you try this:
Create 2-3 Current Work projects for YOU. If you need more than that to be happening simultaneously (and they truly aren’t routines), then I recommend you delegate the ownership of those projects to other team members. That way, they can still be on the BUSINESS “Current Projects List,” but they’re not on YOURS. Your brain needs to be able to rest and focus. Our team is working on 6-7 projects right now. I’m working on one.
Then put all your focus into those projects and get them done. And move onto the next ones. Or delegate if you get to a point you’ve done the heavy lifting and don’t need to manage the rest of the details. Do you have a team?
If the projects are coming from a supervisor/company owner, and the number is more than 3, I would recommend a talk with the supervisor where you say, “I am going to focus on getting projects more quickly past the finish line. Which 3 would you like me to prioritize so I can do them well?” (Read the book “Essentialism” for more on that….)
Does that help? Any other questions/thoughts?
This is really helpful – thanks!
I am already putting your advice into place. But I do have another quick question about limiting projects to 7-8. Let’s say I limited the list of my current projects to 8 – which I did – but all of a sudden something came up (which it did!). My wife’s jeep has a flat tire. Now, boom, we have another project – make an appointment to get it fixed, take it to the auto shop, pick it up, and of course navigate this during our current COVID reality, which does create some issues. So by definition, we have another current project. When these come up at work or in life, do you just roll with it and add it to your list?
Love your question, Dave! It actually just inspired a FB Live I did this morning. This question was answered at the 8-minute mark. 🙂
That was wonderful! Thank you!
Listened to episode 80 and I cannot see the pdf show notes that you discuss – please advise
Lisa, thanks for reaching out to us! Click on the words, “Download the eBook here” or on the image of the eBook to download the PDF. Feel free to send an email to email(at)learndobecome(dot)com if you’re still not finding it and we can take a closer look at what might be happening with the link. Thanks for being with us!