Our daughter Grace has been managing our social media accounts (which we SO appreciate!), and it’s been eye-opening to see which quotes have resonated most powerfully with the LearnDoBecome community.
We went through and pulled out the top four, and we encourage you to review them below and then answer the related questions we put together to help you build positive momentum in your life. Enjoy!

These quotes may bring up a lot of thoughts and feelings, so we’ve put together a few corresponding questions that may help you decide if there’s any specific action you feel motivated to take:
1. Are there any decisions you need to make right now? Big decisions—about what you’re doing professionally, where you’re living, or which relationships deserve the most energy? Or smaller decisions—about where to put papers, how to set up your bathroom cupboards, or which app to use to track your tasks?
2. If you were to describe your “ideal life,” what would that look like? What would your daily schedule be? How would your home look and feel? How much time would you spend with others? How often would you travel? How many hours would you work a week? Doing what? What would your family relationships be like? How much time would you spend on a screen? How would you serve? How would you live your purpose?
3. How do you feel right now when you walk around your home? Are you “living” or “storing”? Are you acting or procrastinating? Are you making things happen or waiting for things to happen? How do you feel about your current habits and patterns?
4. If you had a life that you didn’t “need to regularly escape from,” what would you need to do NOW to make that life actually happen? What is that one/first thing you’re putting off right now that you know you need to do? And what is a Next Action (something you could do TODAY in 10 minutes or less) that could move you toward the completion of that thing?
LearnDoBecome Challenge: Take some time to review these quotes and perhaps journal some answers to the questions above (or to your own questions you thought about). Decide what you are going to DO in order to live the life you want most.
P.S. We love serving our community, and if you’re not yet in our STEP program, we’d LOVE to serve you. 🙂 We’re excited to help you build your own Command Central and have a system to support you as you architect a life of excellence. Our free training is here, if you haven’t yet attended!

Great quotes. The one that hit me most is that my home is a living space not a storage space. The second one is that clutter is postponed decisions.
I joined over a year ago but had not really put anytime into getting set up. I had ordered the Freedom Filer and had purchased other items needed to get going and then disaster…we had a house fire and I lost everything. My elder mother was home alone and was able to get out Thank God. I also had 3 cats who were rescued by the awesome local firefighters. They even gave CPR to one of them and she is sitting here next to me today doing great. We were very fortunate and everyday I am reminded by seeing them.
I was going through files on my phone (my computer burned) which are all I have left trying to recreate something of my life when I came across all the emails you had sent that I starred. I actually worked on the first module and was feeling excited but then it hit me….I am now on the other side of clutter and have nothing but a few soot covered things. I am at as much of a loss (ha get it;) as I was when I had too much stuff. Then I read your email above and the questions and wow you did put together quite a few that hit deep and so very thought provoking. Maybe its a good time to just ditch all my emotional baggage that seems to be holding me back from life. I wish I had the faith or whatever it is that others seem to have that helps keep them smiling and really enjoying life. Hum not sure how I just got so side tracked, though unfortunately probably more often than not these days I get that way. Anyway, I have so much to handle that I am completely overwhelmed and sit sometimes just staring off with my brain spinning and never actually get started. Just the inventory lists alone that need to be done would be way too much and that is just a small scratch of the assortment of hats I have been forced to start wearing…and all without any kind of knowledge about insurance and house building and everything in between. And of course this all has to come second to caring for my mom. This has definitely aged her in a short time and taken a hit on her more than I could have predicted. It has been very hard to not be in our home which was set up to allow her to be able to move around and do most everything herself…or at least the illusion of being self sufficient most of the time. I truthfully cant even decide which of all my tasks should be first on my to do list because I have so many things that are competing for top spot I cant pick one. Some are going to take me months and months and everyday new demands will be made on me to like trying to get into another rental due to permit issues we have run into and adding another 6 months plus to getting back in to when the rebuild does get going all the decisions on paint color, flooring, appliances and on and on and on that I am not sleeping much cause I just cant turn my brain off long enough. I desperately need help that I haven’t been able to find, which I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to get involved with all the ugliness a burned home brings. SOOOO I think I need to get moving and make learn do become a reality. Maybe I will end up being a inspiration to someone one day when I can look back and honestly say “Well that wasn’t so bad, we survived and look at us now!” Maybe one day I can really smile behind my mask instead of just crinkling my eyes and know it all started today, the day I get my life starting on a new path of organization that will help me in more ways than you might have thought when y’all decided to share with others. I’m sorry i have been type blah blahing but I am excited to try your system and pray it helps me to overcome the challenges that have been set in front of me. Thank you for all y’all do and share. Blessings sent your way!
Deborah, I was so touched by your words this morning. Especially the part where you said, “Maybe I will end up being an inspiration to someone one day….”. YES. 100% yes. Because the moment you begin thinking that way, you’re going to start living for a bigger purpose. Of COURSE you’re overwhelmed right now. No one would fault you for that. But learning, growing, creating tools to help make your life better (and your mom’s!), and taking one step at a time is going to give you experience that will prepare you to be a lift to others in the future. Sooooo proud of you! I’m also forwarding your message to my friend Andrea (a fellow STEPper!) who has come out of a similar situation. She runs “Better Screen Time” (check it out on Instagram or betterscreentime.com), and she may be able to point you in some good directions, as far as insurance and things. And yes—this is the perfect time to set up your Command Central!!! It will be structure and support as you make all the necessary decisions moving forward. We are so proud of you!!!
Thank you so very much. Y’all have come into my life twice, once when I purchased the program and again today. I can’t begin to tell you how much each moment has meant. Your kindness and strength have and will be an inspiration to me and so many others. How you have managed so well with your family and busy life. I know that we will come out the other side better off and life will go on. I think you hit it on the head when you said the structure will help us to recover. I so appreciate you forwarding to Andrea, I certainly would love to talk with someone who might have some information that could give me some insight into just what I am up against. I will definitely look her up. I cried when I found y’all and I cried again to have you say you are proud of me… a stranger that you have managed to touch so deeply with your words and sincerity it humbles me greatly. I will do this, I will get my new house organized, I will share my successes and I’m sure my share will include some set backs but I know now we will be OK. That I have support I didn’t know I had. How awesome is that. I read the other day that “while we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, it could be wonderful” and I have to say it came true. Keep up the amazing work and know how special you are. I love your stores of your mom and what an incredible woman she must have been. No wonder you turned out as you have…how could you not with the role model you had. Thank you once again for making a difference. Have a beautiful day.
My heart goes out to you! You have been through so much. I love how you are processing it all, which is what happens when there is “nothing left.” I just read this devotion before reading your email and feel that it might be helpful to you, especially since you talked about wanting the faith that others have.
Have a better day,
Sue Kimball
You do have a huge challenge in your life! Take care of yourself and your mom first! I can only imagine all the work you are facing. One step at a time. God bless you!
Thank you Kathy. I was feeling so alone and disheartened while I wrote about my story. Right now I know anyone would be able to see in my eyes and know not only am I smiling but my heart is lighter. I appreciate your words and know you are correct. Sometimes I get so bogged down I do forget about us which I can’t let happen. I am the one who is proud to belong to such a group.
I was glad to see your name on my updated. Because I am ADD I found the program you outlined when I paid my $25 daunting and a family crisis arose simultaneously, so I abandoned it. I’m currently listening to 2 books on Audible: on on how to stop procrastinating, and The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I wrote my 3 morning pages yesterday, and I’ve started ,(age 75) my first book. But if like a “command central” tailored to my sdd. I couldn’t figure out the app. I really tried. And it was of paramount importance of I was to implement your inspiring suggestions. Was it Evernote that you recommend? As you can see, I’m a bit out of touch.
Thank you !!! These are great!!!
THANK YOU! Those quotes seem tailor-made for me. So do the questions. Again, thank you.
Thank you. I needed this today.’I am downsizing from a 4 bedroom house I have lived in for 35 years and have business records and equipment from various businesses I ran out of the house.
I also work a FT job. I am now downsizing for retirement and will keep my Photography business but will streamline it a bit.
I have three bedrooms practically filled with equipment and records that need to be GONE as I would like to sell my house and move within nine months.
Plus I am engaged to a very understanding Fiancée .
Thank you for the guidance and inspiration. Before I felt hopeless.
Now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I’ve been on a quest for a year and a half since my husband passed away after a long illness, to make my house the one I want to come home to, live in, and have it be clean and calm. Sadly, everything has a meaning or a memory which I can’t part with. I’ve done so much during this time, so much progress, and it is getting easier and harder at the same time. Easier because I have practice parting with things and I’m seeing results, but harder because the first few waves of discarding are done and I’m down to bigger decisions. LearnDoBecome is just what I need to give me a path to progress. I know I have it in me to craft the life I want to live and I will be all in taking the steps and using your guidance. Thank you for the email; perfect timing. Thank you for the quotes . I took some time with each one.
Judy, we’re so sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one can be so hard! We recorded a podcast with professional organizer Julie Morgenstern that talks a bit about wanting to save everything. https://learndobecome.com/episode19/ Don’t let the title concern you. 🙂 We won’t be asking you to throw it all away but we do hope that it can be helpful to you as you work to craft the live you want to live. We’re so glad you’re here!
Thank you for finding my Thinking cap 🧢
True self care is not salt baths and chocolates, it’s making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from.
And this often takes doing the thing you least want to do.
What’s awful is when you have to do the simplest of the things you least want to do …
LIVE … not stay in the unproductive state.
Sometimes, I know that I need time alone with God & spiritual studies to build me up, BUT I end up spending all day in bed not pushing to do anything. It feels like my refueling my spirit is just taking time that doesn’t get bigger things done that also need done. YET, I know I need God to help me. A scripture in either Psalms or Proverbs states: “Unless Jehovah builds the house, it is to no avail that the builders work on it.”
Two weeks ago I had a bout of food poisoning, it affected my liver/Gall bladder functioning. I was tired and it brought on depression. I am still dealing with some Gall bladder pain even after a very recent purge/cleansing of Gall bladder, liver & colon. I have been tired inefficient. I have been down the last two weeks, perhaps heading on 3 weeks. My place is going down and moms place is going down again. Yesterday during my studies, I took a nap and had a dream. Everything was cleaned up, but there was one thing in it, an emotional issue, that let me know that that emotional issue would still be there making me feel unclean. So, I guess I back stuck in my piles again. This emotional issue affects each part of my life and seems to prevent forward movement as it has to do with letting go, accepting negative realities that will continue to exist in Satan’s world, and forgiveness of self and others and the overwhelm of needing at least an appearance of perfection in my imperfect state.
I feel responsible to fix my lifetime’s worth of disorganized mess and my mother’s lifetime of disorganized chaos of mess. If I am down, she goes down. If she goes down it is difficult for me not to become down. There are some things that to me have strict deadlines that seem to be being pushed off again. But I know time is running out to make certain things prepared for certain events that are incumbent, but how they will come about is unknown. I do not feel spiritually ready. This program was purchased because I am most certainly not physically ready for those unknown events that will occur shortly and be emergencies. I need a more organized environment to prepare for those emergencies: Go-bags; PPE bags; having my paperwork organized to carry with me for myself and my mom who live in two separate dwellings. You talk of schedules & how I might want them to be, but I have no clue how to set & keep any form of normal schedule with boundaries. When I have tried scheduling & working on a home based business, I became overwhelmed because of so much resistance to my efforts from mom. This scenario is just getting the business of routine daily life that is normal for everyone else in order. I don’t even have a routine daily schedule. I am overwhelmed because I need to continue my learn done come studies, but the implementation takes up more time than is noted on your program. I have been in the program 1 month and have not quite finished Module 1. I am at the point of finishing at least the study portion of projects but know I need to get in there and do the Evernote/Asana Training; Google Calendar Training and the Melanie Powell Electronic Command Central Training. All of which takes more internet than my phone likely has in DATA & free WiFi is at mother’s, where I will have to deal with her frustrations because she feels overwhelmed and then try to implement it for myself, which will take forever, then try to teach a 70 yr old not so computer literate woman how to set it up with her irritability, not listening so as to follow directions (but having frequent meltdowns telling me she can’t do it) with my being patient and calm when I try to train her and her saying I cant teach her. You don’t know how difficult it is to train her in anything. And I am being very calm and patient in speaking and teaching her.
I also have basic routines I need to make regular and volunteer routines that require me to actually be scheduled even with sleeping problems and the need for flexibility in working between 2 locations with my lack of energy and now certain lack of desire because I will still have that one emotional obstacle that makes me feel so worthless and unclean. I guess I need prayers and some guidance. This program is more attuned to those who have much less to organize than I do. They usually have some daily schedules or routines in place outside and inside the home. Depression is not the routine I want to continue, but I can only focus on a few things. There are just so many things to change. I start and get so far and then find a stuck place. Help me I’m drowning…
Thank you for your comment. It can feel hard to more forward when there is so much to get done. The program you’ve purchased will walk you through the steps to build your Command Central and be able to move forward at a more doable pace. If you’re a Mastery member, be sure to pop into the Facebook group as the members there are so supportive and helpful! We hope you get feeling better soon. Wishing you all the best!!
These quote really got me thinking. They put into words how I feel about not getting things done or not having the home looking and functioning the way I want it to, or not being in relationships with people the way I’d like to be. Like others, there are so many things I want to do but have trouble choosing which project to work on first, so I get little done. I’m having trouble limiting the # of projects or routines I focus to work on to just 7-8.
Thanks for your comment, Laurie!
We know how it feels to be so overwhelmed by all that needs to be done. You’re not alone in this! It seems counterintuitive but limiting the number of projects you’re working on at any given time will actually help you to accomplish more!
When choosing where to first focus your attention, try thinking of your projects like dominos. Which one would make the most difference and help to get the ball rolling? Once you’re able to get that figured out, the rest will naturally fall into place.
If you’re part of our Mastery program this would be a great question to ask there as well! The members there are so supportive and helpful! Feel free to reach out to our team with any additional questions you might have, email(at)learndobecome(dot)com. We’re thrilled to have you with us and we look forward to hearing your success stories!
I just can’t seem to get stated past the list! something come up that takes my conentration like a class I”m taking and projet for it..Then now its harvest time and my time is not mne and I”m exhausted when I hit the house. I need this encouragement.
Dorothy, thanks for your comment. You’re not alone! Sometimes it helps to break tasks down into smaller pieces so you can see them moving forward even when you don’t feel like you have much time. This podcast explains more about how that can be done, https://learndobecome.com/episode53/. If you’re part of our Steps To Everyday Productivity (STEP) program, the program is already broken down into small 5-10 minute microbursts so you can do a little when you have some extra time. And if you’re a Mastery member, be sure to jump into our Facebook group. The members there are so supportive and helpful! You can do this, Dorothy! We’re cheering for you!
I think I have never been big on vacations because I’d rather make my home life something I don’t want to leave, so I can appreciate the last quote. Especially, “that often takes doing the thing you least want to do.” Because when I have an anti-procrastination day, I feel relieved afterward with projects I enjoy more awaiting me.
wish the quotes were text instead of pictures so I could just copy & paste to save the words
Hi Hannah! We’ll add them for you here. 🙂
Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions. -Barbara Hemphill
The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t. -Joshua Becker
Your home is living space, not storage space. -Francine Jay
True self care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from. And that often takes doing the thing you least want to do. -Brianna Wiest