Have you ever listened to a “Best of the 80s” playlist or watched a highlight reel with clips from your favorite TV show? It’s so fun to look back and enjoy the curated music, videos, or pictures that someone put together for their audience.
That’s what you’ll find in today’s post! Here are the top three favorite podcasts and videos that we’ve shared at LearnDoBecome over the past year. Enjoy! 🙂
Top 3 Podcasts
(You can listen to them right here on the site or on your favorite podcast app/website.)
Coming in at number one is the first podcast from our Organized Mindset Series!
📚 Audio #1: Feelings of Overwhelm Are Caused By the GOOD in You ❤️
(This podcast is extra special because there is a whole written version of this podcast available by clicking here! And there are five more amazing podcasts in this series, linked on the same page.)
The second most popular podcast from the last year is:
How to Help Our Minds Calm Down – with Dr. Don Wood
April shared that, “if we can get to–and heal–what’s at the ROOT of our procrastination, anxiety, anger, etc., we put ourselves in a position to achieve lasting change. Join me in my interview with neuroscience expert, Dr. Don Wood for some incredible support and simple takeaways!”
Show Notes, with a full written description and related links, are available by clicking here!
If you are ready to retrain your brain so that anxiety no longer holds you back, you can click here to learn more!
Last but not least, the community loved listening to:
Game-Changing Parenting Tips – with Amy McCready
My parents (April and Eric) used these ideas and strategies as they were raising me and my siblings, and my childhood was totally transformed for the better thanks to what they learned from Amy. Fighting between siblings was reduced, good technology habits were created, and conversations (even the tough ones) were respectful and full of love.
You can click here for the show notes!
And to check out Amy’s Positive Parenting Solutions program, this is our (affiliate) link!
Top 3 YouTube Videos
(If you haven’t subscribed to our channel yet, you can do so by clicking here!)
Coming in at number one on YouTube is:
One Rule that INSTANTLY Reduces Clutter
Most people have cluttered desks and overflowing kitchen counters—but it’s not because they “like” clutter. It’s because there is one rule they’ve never learned. April shares the secret in this video!
The second most popular video from the last year is:
How We Keep Our Home Clean (Almost) All The Time
April shares 3 ideas to help you minimize the piles and create more order and structure in your home! When you create systems and involve the whole family, not only does it take the burden off of one person, but it also makes it fun, allows you to build relationships with family members, and creates space to pursue the things you’re excited about.
Finally, the community enjoyed watching:
How to Create Mental Clarity with One Folder & One Digital Note
April shared that in this video, she is talking about a way that you can actually feel excited about all of the things you are NOT doing right now and how one note and one folder can help YOU to create mental clarity too.
Hope you enjoy these great podcasts and videos! Did you have a favorite from the past year that wasn’t on this list? Let us know in the comments. 🙂 We love hearing from you!
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