For the first time EVER, we are offering live group coaching for all of our STEP Mastery members–so you can build your STEP Command Central with confidence, support, and tons of extra fun!
What is STEP Mastery?
Great question! It’s our signature program here at LearnDoBecome, and “STEP” stands for Steps to Everyday Productivity. We have two versions: Self-Study and Mastery. (Mastery has the community support, coaching, and lots of bonuses.) Details are at the bottom of the post regarding how to join!
Inside the program, we show you exactly how to build a seamless system to hold all your projects, papers, emails, tasks, etc., so you can have serenity, peace of mind, and NO CLUTTER. When your mind is organized, your spaces naturally follow. It’s amazing!

When and where does the coaching start–and what will it cover?
The recordings will be available inside the members’ Facebook Group for any STEP Mastery members who can’t attend, but if you’d like to be there LIVE with our incredible STEP Coach, Jill Adams, the schedule is as follows (exact times to be announced):
- Module 2 – Workspace Clean-Up – Completed (Recording Details Below!)
- Module 3 – The Command Central – Completed (Recording Details Below!)
- Module 4 – Gathering the Piles – Completed (Recording Details Below!)
- Module 5 – Flowchart Processing – Completed (Recording Details Below!)
- Module 6 – Your Weekly Review – Completed (Recording Details Below!)
(All trainings will take place as “Facebook Lives” inside the Facebook Group. We have them set up as “events” once you join….)
Our STEP program has a total of 8 modules, but the 5 listed above are where the “Command Central” is actually built. (Below is a picture of the whole thing!) We’re going to go through those 5 modules as a group so they will feel totally doable–and you can ask any questions along the way!

Module 2 – Workspace Clean-Up is available as a recording in the STEP Mastery group now!

Mastery members can watch the recording here!
Module 3 – The Command Central is available as a recording in the STEP Mastery group now!

Mastery members can watch the recording here!
Module 4 – Gathering the Piles is available as a recording in the STEP Mastery group now!

Mastery members can watch the recording here!
Module 5 – Flowchart Processing is available as a recording in the STEP Mastery group now!

Mastery members can watch the recording here!

Mastery members can watch the recording here!
Are there any other classes included with the Booster Series?
YES! Two are ready right now.
(1) Your Fun, Peaceful, Guilt-Free Holiday Season – Taught by Eric and April Perry
Even though the “holidays” are over, the principles are totally applicable for the coming year. 🙂

Does your mind start to race when you think about the holidays? Are you looking for some simple solutions to help your whole family enjoy the time together, in spite of the constantly-changing global conditions? In this discussion, we’ll cover the following:
- How to schedule in the “big rocks”–so time won’t get away from you–but keep things flexible enough that you won’t need to feel stressed out.
- How to renegotiate expectations with your family and friends (but mostly yourself!) so you won’t need to panic when you realize “everything isn’t getting done.”
- How to close up all the extra projects, tasks, piles you’d been planning to organize, etc. so your mind can feel calm and present, but nothing will slip through the cracks. (This part will bring you immediate relief….)
- How to set up a few systems that will manage the logistics of “holiday life” AND “regular life,” so most of your tasks can run on autopilot, and you’ll feel like it’s possible to take a deep breath.
(2) Rapid Reviews and Processing – Taught by April Perry

Do the piles of papers, “stuff,” emails, digital clutter, decisions, or (you fill in the blank) feel like they will take SOOOOOO much time and energy to process? Do you spend more time worrying about them than actually getting them off your mind? Yep, we’ve been there.
Join us for a fun class where you’ll learn how to apply the STEP processing method to your current responsibilities in a way that makes it feel quick and painless. No one wants to sit and “organize” for hours and hours, but when you train your mind to streamline using our processing flow chart and key questions, you’ll feel like a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders.
We’re thrilled to help you succeed–and bring more energy, peace, and momentum to the new year.
Does this sound amazing? Are you ready to join STEP Mastery? (Or are you seriously considering it?)
Okay, here are the instructions–based on where you are in your LearnDoBecome Journey:
New to LearnDoBecome? Start with our free class, How to Stop Drowning in Piles, where you can learn four simple steps you can apply today to get out of the overwhelm and piles–mental or physical! There’s a special, limited-time webinar offer to join STEP Mastery at the end.

Do you just want to join STEP Mastery right now? Great! You can learn all about it here!
Are you already a member of our STEP Self-Study or STEP Starter program? You can upgrade to Mastery inside your member login. Or contact us at email (at) LearnDoBecome (dot) com, to ask us any questions!
We can’t wait for you join the amazing community!

I have the most amazing command central that I have never used. My daughter’s home was torn down for road expansion, my autistic son was kicked out of his group home and of course they came to live with me. They have now moved out again and I was able to turn my command central back around (daughter’s cat eats paper) and maybe I can start again to organize my life. I have continued to use my 3 collection baskets around the house and am 75% finished with the filing system that was suggested. Of course, all of the things in nice piles that I was sorting through and filing had to be put away because it is paper.
One of the many things that I enjoy about this community is that even when I can’t operate as suggested, I know there is a way to a clutter free and organized life. Because of what I’ve learned, I am not stressed or worried about what to do with all of this. I know exactly what to do and how to complete a project.
I teach junior high and with all the stresses there, having my whole family go through COVID and moving three households (the third one was my parents from a five bedroom to a 2 bedroom home) in a two week period while having COVID and not knowing about it. Tired, headaches, tummy aches, body aches can be explained away with no sleep from having my son at home and the moves. The fever finally tipped us off.
I hope most of the insanity has passed. Every time I see April’s smiling face announcing a new podcast it gives me a little lift to my step knowing that soon I will be able to stop long enough to listen to them.
Thanks again,
I am just starting to wade the waters of downsizing and getting organized. I’m 69, retired nurse, and have ADHD. Whatever it takes for me to know where everything belongs and my husband and I can agree to put things back where they belong, I will happily live the rest of my life not living in clutter ( leaving little stacks everywhere so I can “see” them ) instead of filing things away and fearing I will forget where I put stuff. It seriously causes so much stress. I hope to take care of this problem so I don’t leave my family beside themselves trying to get rid of my stuff. Sorry for the long post, but Lynda, you really inspire me, and I pray you are all well now. Having less stress at home has to be healthier than dressing over all the piles. God Bless.
Welcome back. You are so starting from a place of knowledge, strength, and experience. Enjoy the journey as well as your final products.
You are inspiring! Thanks for putting my small complaints in their place and reminding me that we are fearfully and wonderfully made – that we CAN conquer mountains, or at least make them into molehills! Bless you for sharing. Hope 2021 is happy and prosperous for you!
Thank you for this… someone who needs the boost and this time of year especially……thank you.
How do we register for the class on 12/2? Is there a link to add to our calendar? Thanks.
Great question, Lisa! The class will be broadcast as a Facebook Live inside our STEP Mastery Facebook Group. If you are part of our Mastery program, be sure to join the Facebook group to attend live. We’d love to support you there if it’s a good fit for you. Thanks for being with us!
Will it be saved there for those of who can’t attend live? Thanks
Absolutely! We’ll have it as a video inside the group, and it will be accessible from the Search Bar! 🙂
The times are while I am working. Will they be available after the fact? Love the idea of these!
Hi Meg! Yes! Each class will be recorded and will be available for STEP Mastery members. Thanks for being with us!
I would love to do this! I’m not sure if I landed on the right page from the links in the email.
Hi Barbara! Sorry for the confusion! I just put this comment above in response to a different question: We’re going live into the STEP Mastery Facebook group at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern today. The link to the group is here (but just make sure you’re a member of STEP Mastery before requesting to join): Once the training is complete, it will be a video in that Facebook group moving forward, so anyone who can’t make it live can watch it in the group. Thanks!!
How do we access the booster class tomorrow?
Hi LeAnne! We’re going live into the STEP Mastery Facebook group. The link to the group is here (but just make sure you’re a member of STEP Mastery before requesting to join): Once the training is complete, it will be a video in that Facebook group moving forward, so anyone who can’t make it live can watch it in the group. Thanks!!
Is 8:00 am Central time for 10:00 am Pacific ?
Thanks! Yes, we probably should have them all listed:
– 10am Pacific
– 11am Mountain
– 12pm Central
– 1pm Eastern
Hope you can make it!
I do not have a Facebook account. Is FB the only platform that will be used?
Thanks for asking, Cindy! For now the replays will be available in the Facebook group but they will be added to the STEP Resource Library in the future. Thanks for being with us!
Are these fb live coaching sessions a different session than the “Party” that we would have to sign up separately for? Thanks!
–Irina (new member of STEP mastery)
Irina, thanks for asking and welcome to STEP! This Booster Series is different from the Step-by-Step Home Organizing Party. You won’t need to sign up separately, but you will need to be part of our STEP Mastery Facebook group. Send us an email if you need help finding that, email(at)learndobecome(dot)com. We’re so glad you’re here!
This is just what I need! Ready to clean up our eating habits, get back to Pilates, and resume my STEP habits and finish my home office organization. Thank you – looking forward to this and ARISE!!
I’m drowning in piles.
Cheryl, we can help! We’ve just announced a free 7-day Organize Your Mind challenge. It’s free and will be shared in our new LearnDoBecome community Facebook page, We’d love to support you there!
I just love reading or listening to anything about the STEP Mastery program. It’s #1 when comparing it to other places I learn how to improve myself. April & Eric Perry has made the most significant difference in my LIFE!
This was so thoughtful of you to post, Michelle! We are so proud of you and all you are doing to move forward. Thank you for being here with us!!