We've been serving people for nearly a decade - This is what they have shared about the process:

Before going through the Emails to Zero Process at LearnDoBecome, I had several hundred emails that required my attention and felt overwhelmed with my email inbox. I had a fairly good system in place to manage my client work, personal emails, etc., but rarely–if ever–saw Inbox Zero, and to be honest, I was a little skeptical that this would change things that dramatically. I invested some time making careful decisions on the messages in my inbox and went through the steps outlined, and I’m happy to report I’m made it to Inbox zero and stayed that way for a week now. (At least I hit zero every day or two). I haven’t seen that in all my inboxes in years. I definitely recommend this process to anyone wanting less stress managing the inbox! – Tim

Michael, a college professor, transformed his workspace and his life.

Aisling, shares her story of how getting started in STEP has blessed her family life.

If I can change, anyone can change. Honestly, I’ve NEVER been organized… I’ve always lived in piles, since I was a kid… piles in my room, in the car, all over the house… it was chaos, and I was kind of fine with it… I tried to keep my room clean, but it never lasted more than a few days… when I got married and had kids, all the stuff multiplied… I still did the best I could but there were still piles everywhere, and it drove my “everything has a place” husband NUTS… he kept telling me “You need a routine… put things back when you’re done…” but I just didn’t know how! Something would always lead to doing something else, and nothing would get done… Enter LDB… 10 minutes is doable… by the time I got through Module 2, I was hooked and pushed my way through Module 7 in two weeks… Looking at 8 modules as a whole was hard… but taking that next step is what’s important… take that 10 minutes. then find another 10 minutes. It’s kind of like.. as you take those 10 min steps, your faith grows, and as your faith (in the program and yourself) grows, there’s HOPE! It’s still not perfect, but I have hope… I’m telling all my friends who I know are overwhelmed all about it…–Jenna G.

Juventa shares how STEP has helped her transform her home, and devote time and energy to life interests and relationships.

Hi April!
I just wanted to take a moment, during this week of new-year reflection, to tell you thank you for the work you’re doing and share what a difference it’s made in my life.
Back in the spring (2018), I attended your ‘How to Stop Drowning in Piles’ webinar. I took pictures of all of the piles. I hunted down the [e-course that you had offered previously] and listened to the audio book. I got my inbox to zero. I started a weekly review time and set up my command center based on GTD articles I found. I read “The Power of Habit” based on your references to it.
As I reflect for 2019, I still have lots of work to do. I have let my all-important weekly review time slip. I have had to “reboot” my Inbox Zero a couple of times. I still haven’t read “Essentialism.” However, I am in a totally different place now than I have been in my life–EVER! So much more peaceful, so much more organized. Just as you promised, I was finally able to start doing the habits and routines I had come up with again and again, but just never had the system to support:
- My bed gets made every day.
- I do a load of laundry and dishes every day.
- My husband has a peaceful, organized office to work from home in because it’s no longer the junk and clutter stockpile it once was.
- I have decluttered and organized our home one area at a time.
- I have taken a parenting course I’d been wanted to do and have seen amazing results as a mom.
- I was able to be a faithful and consistent homeschool mom.
That last one is the thing I thought I could NEVER do. I never thought I could homeschool, even though it was a longing of my heart, because I just never thought I could be organized and consistent enough to do it, but I have! We started this past August, and it’s going great! And it’s all thanks to that one little webinar and its cascade of effects in my life this past year. So with heartfelt sincerity and utmost enthusiasm, thank you! And Happy New Year!

Okay, I DID it! I got my email to ZERO! It took me three starts since I first joined LDB, but I DID it. Got through 33k unread emails and archived old ones. I feel like “the Mayor of Email Town”! Progress, not perfection, right? Here’s to moving forward! – Lisa Gaines

I am the owner of Thoughtful Inspirations, a doctoral student, mother of 4 boys, wife, and speaker. I joined STEP because I was tired of my chaotic clutter, wish list scheduling, and organizing that kept me stressed and overwhelmed. I have been a member for less than a week and my life has already changed dramatically. After viewing a webinar with April and Eric I went to implement immediately. Now I spend quality time doing things that matter to me most without panic. I haven’t rushed through homework or been stressed like when I used to look at my former wish list. I look at my most important actions list now. I know that I’m just starting and have a long a way to go. Thank you April and Eric!
-Cassandra Freeman

What Eric and April taught me gave me peace of mind at the end of every day (something I’ve been striving for for a long time). Thanks, guys, for putting this together! – Rick Mulready, Business Owner, Online Business Leader

With Francine’s STEP Command Central in place, it has made a career change simple and streamlined.

I have been stuck for years, hiding behind my ADD and having an “I can’t do it” attitude for any one of a number of reasons (excuses). The last six months have been the hardest of my life… losing my mother, handling her estate on my own (cleaning out and selling a 5000 sq ft house) all while working full time and raising two small children. Your Webinar hit my Facebook feed just as the dust settled. And it spoke right to me…Fear was not an option in that moment though it had been a common theme in the past. If I was going to be the best me…the best mother… the best wife I could be, then I needed to lasso the burdens of my life and reel them into submission. And a command center was born… the landing spot whose place was taken has remained clean and free of clutter and I started to be able to breathe again…And the icing on the cake was when I placed my last rogue piece of paper into my new Freedom Filing system just today…I literally feel a huge weight off my shoulders. – Lisa S.

We are finishing up the STEP program together and it’s GOING GREAT!! First time in my life of truly getting ‘fully’ organized and having my hubby on board. Processing the journey together is so awesome–truly eye-opening. It’s been a joy to watch it all evolve and see God’s hand in all of it as well! – Lisa and Pete, Virginia

Joy gifted her family the STEP program, and they have worked together to create beautiful spaces!
“I am so happy to say that I was able to get my email inbox to 0!! I can totally see how this is going to be so much more efficient and will save me a lot of hassle sorting through emails in the future. I love feeling on top of my emails!! It is a beautiful sight to see an empty inbox!!“ – Dani

I have to say – I personally purchased the STEP Mastery course and just finished it – and absolutely LOVED it. My life is forever changed, for the better. I highly recommend it! If nothing else, their free webinar is definitely worth the time if you are someone looking to get more organized in your mind and in your life. – Deise

I love the small segments and the fact that it addresses the mentality before the physical actions. The fact that it is quite literally baby step by baby step and that its focus is short bursts, makes it stand out from other programs. – Katelyn P.

Every winter break I think I’ve been subconsciously running away from home by overworking in my classroom when I should be enjoying home, hubby n’ sons. This winter break was different! I actually put myself and home first this time and WHOA! I feel so much lighter, clearer, driven, FREE, and motivated to stay organized in both places. Thanks for sharing the common struggles and life changing ideas!! – Aisha, CA

April and Eric make learning the system and setting it up compelling, manageable and fun. Having a community of people working towards the same goals gives me motivation to keep using the system, a place to ask questions, and the chance to see how others are personalizing the steps. April and Eric, thank you for creating this program and community! – Kristen

The STEP program has changed our lives in so many ways and only for the better. It’s been great to see how both our strengths are brought together to help us better communicate, work as a team, and ultimately accomplish our individual and family goals. – Scott and Abigail, CA

Most of my friends and fellow homeschool moms comment on how overly organized I am. (I love organizing things.) My major problem, however, has been organizing my thoughts and my time. This program does ALL three: things, mind, and time–and MORE. I Love the STEP program and highly recommend it even for the most organized person! Thanks April & Eric for creating just what my family needed! -Denielle C.

April and Eric’s step-by-step process coaches you one step at a time in 7 to 10 minute coaching sessions, which makes it easy to learn, and actually do what’s taught to become organized at our own pace! – Jeannette K.