Have you ever put something scary off for MONTHS–knowing in the back of your mind there would come a day when you would have to take a deep breath and finally do it?
Me too. Writing this post is one of those things, and if you have just a moment, I’d like to tell you why.
At LearnDoBecome, we want you to wake up feeling excited—and we want you to go to bed feeling content. We want you to enjoy the time you spend with your family. And we want your life to be and feel organized and calm so you can work on projects that really matter to you. Throughout all of this, we want you to feel connected to a Higher Power, however you choose to define that.
So why am I scared? (Seriously. I’ve been dusting my computer, organizing pens…trying to think of any reason to put this off.)
It’s because there are a LOT of you here in our community.
And most of you don’t know me. And you don’t really know each other. And I REALLY want that to change.
Our life over the past several months has been full, and because I was trying to figure things out, manage all the details behind the scenes, and actually be there for my husband, children and other loved ones–without totally having a meltdown, I just stopped emailing and podcasting or even trying to serve you. It felt too hard.
But while talking with my friend/coach the other day, I learned a few things about fear that I thought would be helpful for you as well. Because I’m pretty sure that you also know what it feels like to be afraid.
(1) Whenever you stand up and decide to play bigger–to chase that mission, to achieve those goals, to become that awesome person you know is in there–some people are not going to like you. (Ahhhh! I cringe to even write that!)
(2) But if you don’t listen to that call inside of you, and if you choose to play smaller than you know you can, you’re going to miss the opportunity to lift those who might actually need what you have to give.
(3) There is never a perfect time to “start.” You just take that first step and start moving, and you accept the fact that other people are going to watch you grow–which means they will also watch you fail—AND they will watch you succeed.
But then, just maybe your imperfect stumbling will give them the courage to get up and do the same. Because ANY forward movement is just that…forward movement. Progress. Life. Light. Hope.
So I’m trying out an experiment. For the next three months, I am going to post something just about once a week that will lift you and encourage you to Learn, to Do, and to Become. I WON’T email you unless there is something important to say. But I won’t hide anymore because of fear.
And perhaps you can make a brave goal today, too, and we can go through the process together (and maybe report back in 12 weeks!).
So if you are excited to be part of this community and you’re thinking, “This is exactly what I need,” then keep an eye out for more that’s coming! (You’ll probably want to sign up for our free guide and audio so you can receive updates by email.)
***Fun Bonus Opportunity***
If you already know what scary thing you want to get moving over the next three months, or if you want to share your thoughts with me so I can know who is out there reading, please leave a comment below!
One last thought….My mom always said, “Excitement and fear physically do the exact same thing to your body. The difference is just how your brain interprets the event.”
I like that. And I am SO excited for this!
With gratitude,
April (and Eric)
I want to start my passive income program. I went through one last year and have already put so much into it. I just haven’t gotten it off the ground! I can make massive progress in 12 weeks and am committed to having many of my modules recorded, more systems in place and be marketing (even selling!) it in 12 weeks!
Wonderful, Vanessa!! I love that idea and can’t wait to hear how it goes!!! So happy you’re here. (We’ve been playing “Cash Flow for Kids” with our sons, and it’s been awesome to introduce these concepts.) Go! Go! Go!
I want to know – to learn about this passive income via the internet business so much! And then I want to DO it with stunning success & help others!!!
I need to do paperwork so I can move to a different specialty. It’s scary, and takes retraining. Thank you for saying “it’s scary but I’m doing it anyway. “
Kathleen, I’m so glad we’re all doing scary things together. Seriously. It’s so much easier when you know you’ve got a team around you!
Paperwork is my biggest dread. I love having things organized so I can easily and quickly find something when I need it…I just don’t like the process of DOING it.
I keep thinking (and hoping) that if just once I can get all the misc paperwork organized, from there on I’ll be able to keep up with it…which probably wouldn’t take more than 5 minutes a day–reading and dispensing the mail in appropriate places.
I’ve got the same problem. Still have boxes of paperwork that are from our move 6+ yrs ago. Much of it had to be kept for IRS and Real Estate requirements but time limits have passed but just put off going through boxes and shredding some recycling the rest. Would love the support + encouragement of knowing others are going through similar “stuff”.
The most freeing advised I ever received was to give yourself permission to just box up all those old papers, label it with the year (s) it from, put it in long term storage and move on. If you really need something from the boxes you can look for it then.
I’m in the same boat! Something so light as paperwork can be a heavy and daunting process. I have been spending 10 mins a day conquering the paper pile and it has made a huge difference. I’m also learning that systems in place will help me stay organized. At least, I hope so!
I was just talking with a friend yesterday about the courage to change in a couple areas of my life and your email is resonating with me. I appreciate how succinct and true it is ringing.
That means a lot, Julie. Thank you!! I’ve been super nervous about “putting myself out there,” but knowing that there are PEOPLE on the other side of this screen means the world. Excited for you!
April ,
I love knowing you are on the other side of the screen. You are so honest and sincere and fun!
Same with me. Had this discussion at lunch with my brainstorming partnet…went home and read this in my email. PERFECT TIMING!
I began research on a book in 2011. Research is done; parts of chapters are written. I want to finish this summer! I get bogged down by the mundane and the urgent. I could use some positive thoughts! Thanks!
Ahhh, I hear you, Kathy! It took me four years to write my most recent book, and the details at the end are the most time-consuming. But one little sub-project at a time gets things done. 🙂 Super excited for you! And thanks for sharing that here.
Right on, April! You rock! Thanks for the encouragement.
You’re so cute. Thanks Kris!!
After years in a job and community that did not feed my soul, and where I was frustrated in my need to give what I have to give, I am being led to get rid of almost all of the possessions I’ve accumulated and move more than 2,500 miles away to a place that feels like home. Some of the greatest challenges for me in dealing with the physical things are the sense of failure, beating up on myself for buying things I thought I needed but didn’t, and the bittersweet memories many of the things hold for me.
The timing of this challenge could not be better! My brave goal is to quit trying to organize everything perfectly all at once. So, I’m going to box up everything I don’t absolutely need right now and then sort contents by sell, donate and keep ONE box at a time.
Suzanne, I so, so proud of you. You’re DOING this. Making needed changes. Being gentle with yourself. Overcoming fear. There is so much light and life in you, and I love that you shared this. Thank you!!
This–as well as your email, April!–resonates with me. Fear has perpetuated my “portable foxhole of procrastination” for years. Entering another era of change has me struggling with all kinds of feelings & reasons for not dealing with the many things I have acquired for teaching young children–and seldom even attempting to do more than read STEP posts. Thank you both for courage to speak honestly with the rest of us, drawing us to hope and community.
Thank YOU, Marjorie! It’s the community here that I love and want to serve. And it means the world to me to have a dialogue–and know there are real people out there who struggle like I do. Excited to have you with us!
Marjorie I am right there with you. My husband and I retired in 2009 and we became full time RVers until he became sick in 2015. When we packed up we only kept what would fit in a 8×24 moving truck we owned and parked in storage. The first 6 feet out and up to the ceiling were boxes filled with teaching materials for preschool and Pre-K students. I had 100’s of theme kits that I had put together = lots of money!
I was scared to let it go because my husband had a heart attack and if something happened I could start teaching again and not have to put out any money. Most of those boxes are still sitting in my garage after two years. I have used a few kits for my grandson and donated some to a pre-school.
I need to get rid of this stuff, but when I think about it I get sick with worry. I will try again.
Me Too! Almost verbatim, the same goal as Suzanne. It’s SCARY and I already have the RV and need to get rid of STUFF and build nest egg and plan launch to happen by end of September.
Patti, isn’t it awesome to know you’re not alone? Love that you are here! You can do this!!!
Thank you, perfect timing!
Suzanne, I have been going through the same thing for 2 years. I had a business that I sold, many yard sales, eBay sales, Craigslist, bartering and finally selling my house. It was hard letting go, at first, but liberating. My new life, across country, is waiting. It will work out for both of us! ?
My husband recently passed and I need to clean out his closets, donate and sell his clothes, . Plan his memorial service for early August may need to do everything but food.
Plan and pay for the rehearsal dinner or my son’s wedding in October (DO NOT want to do this.)
Tina, I feel really humbled by your words. Thank you for sharing this with us. I think sometimes I get caught up in how hard *my* challenges are, and I don’t realize how much other people are going through. I wish I could come sort through closets with you. And help set up your son’s wedding. We can be together, virtually, though. 🙂 Really glad you’re here. xo
Just planned a memorial service for my Dad which went well. Feel free to call, if you like. Email me and I’ll send phone number. You may not need any help:)
Tina, my husband passed recently too. I don’t have wedding in the family coming up, but the task of clearing out, etc, seems to be enormous! I have started by taking his things out of the dresser, and next will take his shirts and pants from the closet. Planning to donate them to a local hospice thrift shop, something I know he would like. Take it one day at a time, dear, and if you only succeed in taking out one item today, that is enough. Eventually it will be done, and you will feel relief that the task no longer waits for you. Keep only a few things that make you smile…
Janet, I love and so appreciate what you wrote, and the spirit of support, and feel that support too from April & Eric & folks b on this site/community. I personally feel people helping people is a big part of God’s lessons for us all.
Tina, I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband after a very long illness in February this year and still feel like I am standing still and have a suffocating fear that stops me from getting back out into the world both professionally and personally. I find I have a bit of social anxiety (I used to be outgoing and had no problem chatting with anyone :)) I understand being overwhelmed and the effort it takes to face each day. I hope that you find at least one that makes you smile each day and that your son’s wedding brings you some happiness. Virtual Hug for you!
This is one of the reasons that at age 63, I actually sat down and wrote a book. My first. Ever. SO scary, but so exciting. It’s available on Amazon… called Hazel’s Journey.. It isn’t a best seller, but that’s the next step… to keep on facing my fears and promote it, as well as work at writing the next book in the series. Thanks for your push of encouragement!!
LOVE this, Beth!! I love that you are setting such a great example for all of us! This made me smile. Thank you!
Good for you Beth!!!
I have a dream of writing; I have so many books in my head but so many “things to do” that is the last on the list. My daughter is a great writer and has for a student in Jr and High school won many awards and even a opportunity to travel, so I think to myself, I know where she got that gene :).
That is not my big scary and put it off goal however, I have been in the wedding industry helping others build their brands and businesses for years. My dream is to own my own venue. I have made a proposal, written a plan, worked the numbers. Now I need to find either a bank or an investor. That is the tough part. This is all in my head and in the interim, I am helping a friend market, establish and build her Event Staffing and Bartending service. (Which I love don’t get me wrong, but … Why do I not put me first? ) [sigh].
I think you’ve hit on such an important point, KaDeana! It’s easy to put others first because we feel good about being serviceable. And it doesn’t require us to step into the spotlight. Being behind the scenes is really comfortable for a lot of people, but stepping out and saying, “Here I am! I have something to offer!” often causes a lot of anxiety. (I get it!!) What’s the next step required to find a bank or an investor? What would you need to do that could take 10 minutes?
Excitement and fear physically do the exact same thing to your body. The difference is just how your brain interprets the event.”I like that too
My mom can’t speak anymore (in the last stage of Alzheimer’s), but I think she would be happy knowing her words were helping others. So glad you’re here, Satya!!
My fulltime “job” is drum circles for those with Alzheimer’s and other dementia. If she is capable of playing a drum, try that. (Mallets help). Some of my drummers cannot physically hold a mallet or play the drum, but some even with late Alzheimer’s can. Creativity and rhythm never dies.
April, wondering about the title of your book about your mother. I went through it with my grand mother and fear my mother will head in that direction. Thanks
Oh, I would love for you to read it! You can get free chapter samples here: https://learndobecome.com/zoe
I love that saying too! I’m sorry about your Mom. That’s especially difficult this weekend. By sharing with us, you are beautifully being your mom’s voice.
My biggest fear is our upcoming move to a new state. New friends, new job, new possibilities and opportunities. The fears? Being homeless, or in a hotel, or being rejected, etc. OR our current house not selling. I need to let go of that fear and replace it with faith. Faith in a higher power that He knows what is best for me and my family and that we will not be left alone and without help. I need to have faith that the friends will come and that the house and location will be just what our family needs at this time. The in-between is the worst, but I know that in the end it will all work out:). Thanks for a great podcast. In three months it would be perfect if we could be settled and ready to start our next step in our life journey!
Juventa, from what I have seen you do in the past several months, you have TOTALLY got this! Super excited to hear updates over the next 3 months. xoxoxo
Your FB community posts have been so encouraging, Juventa. Praying for daily peace in the waiting time for you!
Thank you for caring, April !❤️ You got my attention when you mentioned fear because I’m having knee replacement surgery in one month and I’m worried about the anesthesia bringing on dementia or loss of memory in people my age (over 80). I’ve been trying to detox my body, eat organic, & take vitamins & minerals along with Coq10, probiotics etc so I’ll survive. I don’t often sign up for courses because I never know how my surgery will turn out, but I appreciate any help you can give me and you’ve given me a lot already, so thank you honey and keep up the good work ??
You are the sweetest! And I totally understand your concerns. I love that you are aware of the risks and doing everything you can to prevent it. Prayers coming your way!
I had knee replacement surgery 4 months ago. During surgery, I had what the doctors are saying was a stroke that went to my eye (optic nerve) instead of my brain. I lost half the vision in my right eye. It isn’t anything serious really. Just an incredible annoyance. Since then, I have literally put off doing ANYTHING that could be put off! But I’m ready now, to take on the world! Bring it on April and Eric! I’m ready.
I’m very interested in your organizing ideas because I have many years of treasures to go thru to save my kids the job when I’m gone. Thank you!!?
Yay! Wonderful, Aggie! Lots more coming soon! 🙂 Thank you!
Thank you for your email; it was very helpful. I have been putting off organizing my craft room/guest room for over a year. I am 72 years old and disabled by spinal stenosis and great pain. I don’t know what to do.
Andrea, thank you so much for sharing your goal! Do you have a friend or a teenager in your area looking to do some service hours? If you were our neighbor, this would be a GREAT project for one of our kids. Or even 5-10 minutes at a time could be a great start. Sending you a huge hug! I know how it feels to live in pain (12 years of it before my surgeries…). Thank you for being here!
I’m creating as many digital paintings as possible for an upcoming convention in L.A. this November. I live in Florida, so this is a big deal. The CTNX, Creative Talent Network Expo, invites anyone in the animation community to come talk to professionals at the highest levels about being recruited. My husband got me the passes and tickets already, so it’s time to get my butt in gear and have a reel to present when I get there.
Brystal, that is awesome! I love this. So unique, really. I couldn’t do that in a million years, but you’re PREPARED for that! So excited for you!
OK – first posting this in the first place is SCARY!! (I usually am a lurker in social media and forums)
My scary thing in next three months:
I really need new appliances, but cannot have anyone bring in new ones because of the state of my living areas. An experience with domestic abuse(that resulted in theft o f some personal things and stalking, has left me afraid to let anything go – no matter how much I may want to!! (And there is NO WAY can I allow anyone in to “help” clear it out)
I’ve been trying to follow the program – but I’m overwhelmed by the physical stuff I see and the mental stuff I hear in my head. Anything to help ease that feeling will be a blessing.
Mary, just being willing to participate in the conversation is HUGE. So congratulations!! So happy that this is a safe place for you. And I want you to know I consider you a hero. You’ve come through a lot. And there is SO much hope ahead! Super excited to have you with us. Sending a virtual hug!
Mary, I understand, somewhat, what you mean. If I were near you, I would be the friend you could trust to give support while you work on this. I am willing to be your email pal instead, if that is any help to you. I will not tell you what to do, what to get rid of….unless asked…but I will give you support and encouragement that you CAN do all that you want, to achieve the peaceful home you desire. I was also an abused wife, and developed a habit of clinging to Things to give me the peace I needed. Took a long time to figure out it didn’t work for me! If you are interested, maybe April can put us in touch. Much love and blessings,
Thank you April 🙂
Janet I am touched by your offer and humbly accept 🙂
Let’s see if we can can figure out a way to exchange emails …or… perhaps we can connect via private chat on Facebook?? (I’m pretty “locked down” there but I’ll search for your name in the group).
This is a great idea! I’ve had the STEP system for some time now, but still haven’t completed it. In fact just this week, I started over with module 1. I tend to get overwhelmed, like going digital, then I get sidetracked, trying to find calendars that will syn with my PC and my iphone. I’m not too technical, so didn’t have any luck with that. Then I tried to figure out evernote. Before I knew it, I was not doing STEP anymore, just trying to figure out how to use new tech. I will be looking forward to the weekly encouragement to move forward on organizing! Thank you, April.
Holly, I totally understand! I have a super simple STEP module I’m going to be adding for all existing members soon that I think will be helpful. Plus some podcasts, posts, etc. for the whole community. Thank you for the feedback. And yes–Module 1, Step 1, and then ASK if you get stuck. We’re here for you!!
Holly, I’m the same way. I’ve gone through some of the modules in the STEP Program and then get sidelined (distracted) by other things for weeks… I have 2 full-time jobs so it’s hard to find the time, even though I’m excited by the work I’ve done so far in setting up my new office area. But it’s taking a long time. I haven’t learned the Evernote app yet (even though that has been on my ToDo list for some time….). Hang in there!!
I’m in! I’m trying to grow my network marketing business while working full time. I’ve also signed up for a 7-week mindset workshop which begins in June. Fear! I love this quote: “Fear is faith in the wrong kingdom!”
Go Jill! And I LOVE that quote! Thank you. Means so much to have you here!
I will be 50 in a few short months. I spent the last 20 years putting everyone before me and that probably played a roll in my divorce last year (weird for that to be a contributing factor). I’ve been with the same company for the last 17 years and while I don’t plan to leave the company, I do plan to branch into new areas. The scary part is easing out of my mommy track (kids range from 9-20) and putting myself out there. Exploring new hair/makeup/clothing styles, stepping out of my self imposed limitations and flying. AND learning to stop using what my kids “need” as an excuse .
Julie, you have some big things ahead of you, and I am so, so grateful you’re here. Thank you for sharing! It means so much that you are part of the community. Much love!
I so needed to hear this April. Because of problems with my computer and me procrastinating dealing with it, I never moved past the inbox to zero and totally quit all of it. I’m also in a love/hate relationship with social media and so getting on the fb group for this is encouraging, it’s also frustrating because I end up with messages and other notifications I don’t want to deal with. I NEED a START OVER! I mean this whole system and posting photos. I’ve never really used it the way I should and so little progress here or there but, not methodically. I have the time to actually do this in longer periods of time because of my children’s ages but, I’m so ashamed to not have “done” this correctly either that I don’t want to start again. I do believe it’s the right system and I am grateful you will be emailing regularly and I can visit the site instead of just fb. Thank you for being honest about your fear and for reaching out to us. Your members all want and need this program. I’m praying for you to be successful and I’ll be reading the other requests and rooting all of us members on for success and overcoming fears and obstacles to make the progress we need to in this program and in our lives.
Heidi, so much of what you are saying is exactly why I am devoting the rest of this year to building the STEP program and providing resources to make things easier for people. I KNOW the process works. It just takes practice. 🙂 Thrilled you’re here! Thank you for all your support!
Thank you! I look forward to the inspirational and organizing emails and updates, and I love the quote!
I am the poster child for PROCRASTINATION, especially regarding things I’m fearful of! I have already started designing the new reservation system for our RV Park, so that’s a positive move. My middle daughter is getting married this summer, and I am staring at that deadline, excited but strangely paralyzed with fear. Thanks for your postings!
Teresa, I totally understand the “paralyzed with fear” part. But the great thing is that as we start moving, it becomes easier and easier. We build momentum, and that will carry us. Excited to be a support to you during this busy time!!
I do that this all the time! And when I actually get the thing dons, it turns out not to be that big a deal/of that much of a headache as I thought it wild be, and I feel soooo much better.
Your email arrived at the perfect time ninmet with my business coach and other business owners for a mastermind workshop today. Getting my big thing done – asking for client referrals – is what I need to do to move my business forward. I can’t wait to read your emails and energetically reach for my goal!
Wonderful! I love that Kelly! And what I have found is so fun about business is that I don’t need to think of any of my work as “selling.” I just think of it as serving. That is way more fun. 🙂 Super excited for you!
I need to repair my credit. I feel overwhelmed with bills and tend to ignore it hoping it will go away. I am no longer ignoring it. I am working a plan to fix this problem, as well as many other issues I realize I need to fix within myself.
There is so much power in the words “I am working on a plan.” SUPER excited for you! Thank you so much for being here!
I need to get some more exercise and get some things done around the house to sell. I keep putting it off. It’s time to start!
Yay!! Love that, Phyllis! So excited for you!
Hello April! I want you to know that just your email (the one you procrastinated) has motivated me to set some things in motion in my life and schedule. I’m expecting a baby boy soon (uncharted teritory) with 3 little girls already (2 of which will be starting school in the fall) but I have to remind myself to “just keep moving” toward my goals and do those things that I dread/fear. Maybe, like many other things, my dread is adding to the actual amount of work it takes to change my habits or how much effort it takes to accomplish things I once thought to be impossible.
Congratulations on your new little boy!! I know 100% how tricky it can be with young children, but honestly, it is totally possible to get a system in place that can work WONDERS for your family! I discovered David Allen’s GTD methodology and started applying it when my oldest was 8, and with 4 little children, I was DESPERATE for some sense of control. It revolutionized my life, which is why I’m here now teaching people how to do it. : ) SO excited you’re here with us!
Thank you for the courage & obedience to demonstrate transparency and encourage the same so all of us can move forward, April! Looking for the tiny successes and STEPs in the right direction! (I didn’t even remember knowing what the acronym stood for before!)
That means so much!! xoxoxo Marjorie!
Hi April! I’ve been a follower of yours on Power of Moms as well as your Mind Organization and podcasts for years. My big thing in the next 3 years which excites and terrifies me is getting a puppy. The reason this terrifies me is because I have 3 children and my oldest has moderate-severe autism.
Last year I put a lot of things into place to help other autism families – I wrote a bestselling book on Amazon to help families faced with a new autism diagnosis and donate all royalties to non profits that support special needs families, I run a monthly autism support group and the newsletter that goes with that group.
My husband and younger kids have wanted a dog for years but I know that the responsibility will fall on me and I’ve never raised a dog before. I grew up with a dog but he was well trained by my Dad and I was too young to remember the training part. My fear is that I have so much going on as it is and I’m adding something huge to our lives.
I’ve been watching dog training videos, researching vets and getting ready to bring a puppy home. I’m excited and nervous – kind of like when I was pregnant with my kids except that they weren’t mobile and didn’t need to start potty training the day that I brought them home!
Kat! Knowing you’ve been following my online story makes me feel like we’re friends already! 🙂 And I have to say, I was scared about a puppy, as well. We put it off forever. We got a golden doodle 5 years ago (Sunny), and what’s funny is I am the one who loves her the MOST! It’s the best. And she keeps the kids entertained, and we smile so much! The puppy stage is a bit tricky, but with some good discipline and patience, you’ll be good to go! (SO much easier than having a baby!!) Wishing you the best!
Bless you, we all get it. Over the past couple of years I have started and not finished many things, which is in opposition to my personality and caused me a lot of distress. Gave me a really clear view between my “ideal” and what was “real” with my heavy responsibilities right now. It is instructive to stare that in the face, knowing you are not doing all you know you “should” or “could,” and decide that you are still worthwhile. And let your heart open enough to let God confirm that to you. I’m interested to see how you navigate this as so many of us are in the same boat. Sometimes getting more organized is the answer, and always it is giving ourselves more grace.
Sarah, your words of wisdom are SO appreciated! I love that you noticed the connection between knowing you’re still “enough” even when you know there’s more you can do. I totally agree. Grace is a beautiful thing!! Thank you!
My goal is to add 15 clients for my dementia-friendly drum circles. It is so clear this is the place for me to be. Major response and ability to play various drums, as I find creative ways to give them drums or position the drums optimally. The joy they feel, even if they forget immediately why they have it, can last many hours. It is scary to do this fulltime, and I have fought terror and depression, when I have to wait a long time for the check and such. My depression saps my productivity in getting new clients, so I am practicing just taking one step at a time, each day, praying for wisdom and power.
Katy, Seattle, WA
I love that you serve those with dementia!! My mother and father-in-law have both suffered from that. I just read the book “The Key” by Joe Vitale, and it was SUPER helpful to me as I was feeling anxious. Might be a good one to check out at your library! Thank you for the good you’re doing!
This is so timely for me, April! I feel like I’m in a rut in my life right now and while I’m not quite sure exactly what changes need to be made yet, I know changes need to happen. I’m really looking forward to the upcoming posts to help nudge me in the right direction.
And a few other bloggers that I follow have either stopped posting on a regular schedule (they post just when they have something to say) or extended the length of time between regular posts so their schedule is less demanding. It’s completely understandable. Sometimes things change and you have to shift to get back into balance. I appreciate that you had the courage to talk about your struggle!
Lori, I love that you are here and ready to make decisions to improve your life. So, so grateful to be on this journey together. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
I have two things I’ve been putting off because I’m afraid of how much time they’ll take. 1)Ppurging boxes of paperwork & files and committing to work through all our paper clutter. I have to admit we don’t need this stuff anymore & that we’ve dragged it along through several moves. This is our last tour with the Navy & I don’t want this to follow us to our first civilian home. 2) I feel as though I’ve been collecting stories & experiences & now it’s time to start writing them down & sharing them, but I keep putting the habit of writing because I’m not sure where to start… and if I’m really honest, I’m nervous about sharing private experiences in a more public way (on my thus far sparse & neglected blog).
Those are great goals, Danielle! It’s true that things do sometimes take longer than we thought, but there’s a thrill to just MOVING that can’t be replaced! And as far as sharing private experiences publicly, I absolutely get it! But I’ve found that people are generally so happy to know you’re a “person” and have real feelings like they do. We’re all going through life with many of the same feelings, and when we can hear others’ stories, it gives us so much strength. Excited for you!!
Thank you so much, April, for sharing your honest and brave heart with all of us. I can completely identify with Holly and Heidi… I have implemented a few of the lessons learned through STEP, but I have started over at Module 1 more than once because I tend to get distracted and/or overwhelmed.
So, my first goal is to get through all of the modules and to actually BECOME and REMAIN organized. Secondly, I want to create and implement a social media plan for our real estate business – and stay consistent with it. Finally, I need to get caught up and stay on top of our CRM system.
Even though these are three separate goals, I know they can each be achieved within the next twelve weeks – and hopefully sooner – with God’s help and your amazing tips, tools, and encouragement! Thank you, again, for being “real” with all of us.
These are AWESOME goals, and we are here for you!!!! Thank you so much for sharing, Pam!
“Three Ideas to Get You Moving if You’re Putting Something Off” – Holy Spirit moment, I was just talking to my husband about how I so much desire to take the next step with my Mary Kay consulting business and then I checked my email and saw this subject line. Thank you for sharing and pointing out some of the many reasons I have been putting it off. I have so many fun and creative ideas and I just need start somewhere – all right, time to make this 12 week plan! Something that I kept hearing in my head this morning was, “I am made for greatness!” This statement is true for all of us. Thank you for sharing, excited to see where we all are in 12 weeks.
I love that you’ve been hearing that quote in your head! So awesome! And so true! Thank you for sharing your goal, Ann Marie!! xoxo
I have been reading everyone’s comments, and it seems like we are all in a state of flux. I, too, have all of your emails that you had sent, and i haven’t even opened them. I feel like i don’t know what direction I’m supposed to go. My husband sold his business that i worked at for the last 25+ years last May. I have been needing to look for a job for the past few months but i have not felt motivated. I have never even had to write a resume! I know i have a lot to offer a company, but i have just been dragging my feet. I have a great husband, amazing grown children, and i need to start the next chapter of my life. Thank you for your honesty. It does help to know that there are a lot of us out there! I know God has great plans for me, if i would just allow him to work in me.
Carol, I’m so glad you’ve shared this! It isn’t easy to do scary things, but it feels SO good when you start moving. Thrilled you’re here with us!!
Thanks for the encouragement! I have bought the steps program 2 months ago and I still haven’t started it! Why do I procrastinate??? Maybe it’s bc of fear, fear of failing! I want to be more organized and less frazzled in my daily life, and I will take your challenge! I got this!!
Kathy, you WILL be successful! I have no doubt! And we’re here to help you. Seriously. No stress! 🙂 xoxo
Twelve weeks from now is our business’s national conference in Minneapolis. I want to make sure we generate enough income from our business to be able to pay for the entire trip and not have to use money from my “day job.” Fingers crossed!!
Things I need to get off the ground:
1. Find an appropriate educational placement for my son with ASD.
2. Maximize the consulting I’m doing with the fire department so that I can parley that into a consulting business and earn an income on it.
3. Financial plan to create a working budget to pay off debt, deal with spending creases and increase our savings.
4. Get rid of clutter in our house and teach the children to help with that.
5. Make sleeping a priority so I’m not running on fumes most days.
There is always so much going on that most of what I do is a reaction as it’s typically an interruption with something I need to do. I feel like most my decisions are made on the fly without much forethought and when it is an interruption, I just want to “get her done” so I can get back to what I was doing. But then I have to refocus and that can take a while and with four kids, one with a lot of special needs, it’s so hard to do. I’m also tired of trying to get things done while I go to the bathroom since that’s a “break”. Thank you for the email and motivation I need to make a plan.
Honestly, going through the process of getting Medicaid and finding doctors to have for my husband and I and my toddler scared me and Finally I’m working towards this! Today I set an appointment with a friend who can help me with Medicaid and so here I go!
I am just starting with STEP and it was going well. Then I tried to incorporate the Freedom Filer System and I got bogged down. In the meantime my inbox has grown back to it’s pre-Step proportions and I’m having a hard time know what to do next. My Freedom Filer Files look great but there are tons of files that still need to be sorted, culled and refiled in the Freedom Filer files.
You can absolutely get back into this, Miriam! Freedom Filer is awesome, but it can wait until your full Command Central is up and running. I usually have to carve out time to process email backlog and get back into the swing of things. Ups and downs are totally normal, but we’re going to focus on trending UP. So happy you’re here!!
I am choosing to put my health at (or near) the top of my to do list by going to a Functional Medicine Doctor. It is more expensive (I don’t feel especially comfortable spending more money on me) and time consuming (I just spent almost 2 hours filling out the intake paperwork). I don’t feel like my sweet Marissa’s health took me away from the boys so much that now it is hard to not spend ALL my time on them. However, I have found that I am so fatigued that even giving them what feels like all my energy is just a little drop in the buck of what they need/deserve. I am hoping that in the long run this investment in myself will be a good investment of my time and money. I know functional medicine doctors encourage healthy eating (more cooking and eating at home) and exercise and adequate sleep. All of which I have had too much stress/anxiety to make a lot of time for in my life. It sounds like using the wisdom of just getting back to the basics, which I have tried unsuccessfully to do on my own. Yet, along with lifestyle, they also look at medical history and blood work etc. It is like they are a Dr/detective. That is where I am hoping to get the biggest bag for my buck. 🙂 I’m feeling anxious about spending time and $$ on myself. So hopefully they have something to help with anxiety too. 😉
PS April, Thanks to you, I am listening to David ‘s book, Feeling Good – The New Mood Therapy. I am really enjoying it and have found it very helpful for me and my anxious boys. Thanks a bunch!
I just love you, Jayme!! And honestly, I think it is the SMARTEST thing for you to invest time and money in taking care of your health. You have lived your entire life caring for others, and you will be able to do that so much better when you’re feeling good. I miss you! We need to get together sometime soon. It was so fun when we were neighbors and could go walking together. xoxoxo
I have been wanting to go back to the gym & get fit & healthy again & have more energy & feel better about myself, but instead Ive just been sitting on the couch feeling paralyzed. Im not sure whats holding me back, could it be fear? When I first wanted to go to the gym again last year I thought by now I would have met my goal weight & desired look. But here I am & still at a stand still. I really want to do this, and continue to imagine what it will feel like for me when I am healthy again & looking great, but I just cant get myself to move forward & just do it! I feel so defeated right now. I think I can get a lot done in 12 weeks, so Im going to try this & see what happens for me. Thanks so much for the inspiration, keep the emails coming, I really need this.
Tania, I’m so excited you’re here with us! And I do think that fear holds us back from a LOT of things we know we need/could/should do. But also, for me, I’ve found the problem is that there is just too much that I’m trying to do at the same time. Cutting everything unnecessary out of my life isn’t an option anymore–it’s a MUST. Looking forward to going through this journey together!
April~ The timing of your email is uncanny. My husband and I are about to undertake a huge project… We are going to remodel and sell the first house we purchased when we got married. It has been sitting vacant for some time because our last renters did not treat it so kindly. We have procrastinated long enough and are going to start the process the first of June. I know that there will be some tiring nights and battles over how to do things but hopefully the challenges will bring us closer together… either that or I might leave him there when I drive back home 😉 I am praying that when it sells (only speaking in positive terms) that we will have the satisfaction that we accomplished it together. Thanks for your encouraging thoughts and sharing them with us!
So excited for you, Hannah!! And yes! Only speak in positive terms. Everything works out in the end, and I’m grateful you’re here with us!
Goals I have for the next three months:
1- I have completed my training for being a life coach. I need to determine a niche, begin the marketing phase and set up my business.
2- I am simultaneously working on writing a book, which is a memoir. I just started this, but I would like to maintain a discipline of 15-60 min. of writing per day.
3- I lastly would like to get more organized in my home and office.
Love those goals, Debra!!! Thank you so much for sharing them here! xoxo
Those things your friend/coach told you are powerful and I’m glad you shared them with us. One step at a time, right?
Absolutely. 🙂 Thank you Iris!!
Its so encouraging to see that I’m not alone in the fear, avoidance, and struggle with going into the unknown! I’m working on getting my real estate associate broker’s license and all I’ve been doing is dragging my feet, coming up with inane tiny excuses and tasks to “keep me” busy so I can pretend I just can’t possibly make time to sink my teeth into and go after that goal I KNOW if going to put me in a better spot. Its SO illogical and we’re all doing it in some way or another. Its nice to know 1) its ok. Take a deep breath and step out and 2) even if its illogical, I’m not alone. Thank you April!!
100% you are not alone, Windy! I was seriously laughing at myself today as I was finding ANY excuse to waste time. It’s part of the growth process. 🙂 So glad you’re here with us!
I’m listening and reading, I enjoy your encouraging emails… I’m also ready to take the next step to move forward, I’ve been dormant for too long.
Love how we’re all “coming alive” together!! Thank you Linda!!
My goal is to get my blog/site up and running! Today’s email was just what I needed to read to get me motivated.
So proud of you, Joan! Thank you!!
Hi April and Eric! I just wanted to let you know, that although I haven’t made myself known, I have been paying attention to your material and have gotten SO MUCH out of it! Thank you for gracious, encouraging and empathetic ways! You make me feel okay with the areas I struggle, knowing I’m doing my best but ready to awaken (even further) that giant within! So thank you.
I also wanted to share that I am ready to take my life and business to the next level. After a season of lots of chaos and transition, I feel more organized than ever (though its still very much a work in progress!) and want to tackle my fears preventing me from stepping into my greatness in my business and life as a whole. My goal is to earn my company car (a free white Mercedes Benz) by the end of this year. This goal is terrifying but I’m learning to set big, hairy, audacious goals and simply make a decision. I just know I can’t do it on my own! I will need my friends, family, coaches, and people like you along side me for the ride as a take new risks, put myself out there, step into leadership roles (risking rejection and criticism…yikes!) and becoming the best version of myself, all while helping others do the same!! Thank you for your work, your words, and your wisdom! You are both a blessing from God and I am grateful to have you on this journey!
Jen, that means so much. Thank you! And I LOVE your goal! Super excited for you. I love that you said “I can’t do it on my own.” That was a realization I made about a year ago. I finally discovered that it was OKAY for me not to know things. I started asking for help, hiring coaches, finding mentors, and just learning from those around me, and then I found that I started getting results beyond my own capability. So, so grateful we get to learn from each other. Thanks for sharing today!!
I read your email and am ready to get started on the classes that I purchased– school is out and summer school is over, so I have the time to devote now to making progress. Can you tell me how to get started?
I also wanted to say I’m sorry you are going through a difficult time — I will keep you and your family in prayer.
Teresa, Yes! Login with your login email and go to Getting Started. you can also email us at [email protected] anytime you need a boost. We are hosting STEP LIVE right now and this is a FANTASTIC place to restart. 🙂
Hi. April . I bought your program for organization (learndobecome) to get my life organized so I could feel less ovewhelmed when I start school in the fall. I got through half of it and got side tracked with mundane things and I don’t know what. Then the thought of starting over again was overwhelming and “scary” because it felt like a lot to do and I think I just shut down. I am glad you talked about doing it afraid because I know the best things to come are on the other side of fear. So thanks again for putting this out there. it’s encouraging and uplifting. I am praying and starting over again to get back on track to being organized.
Yes!! You have lifetime access, and we’re doing some great things with the program, so you can definitely start again! We’re here for you, Angela!! 🙂
So my fear is starting up my piano studio in the Fall. I’ve been prompted/pushed that it’s the right time, but it’s scary to add something to our family. It’s amazing that you posted this, because I just finished Michael Hyatt’s Life Planning, so now it’s time for me to implement the plan!
I loved Life Planning! Such a great book! From what you’ve written, it sounds like you know this is the right time/right project–which is the bulk of the work (just to find that out!). The movement toward the goal is where it gets exciting. 🙂 So glad you’re here Jen!!
“At LearnDoBecome, we want you to wake up feeling excited—and we want you to go to bed feeling content. We want you to enjoy the time you spend with your family. And we want your life to be and feel organized and calm so you can work on projects that really matter to you. Throughout all of this, we want you to feel connected to a Higher Power, however you choose to define that.”
I love this vision. For years, I’ve lived with the excuse “I’m too busy to keep my house clean”. My youngest child is starting kindergarten this fall, and I am cutting back on my work hours to make time for things that matter to me, like cleaning up the mess I live in. I think I’ve clung to the mess as a security blanket, which makes no sense because I hate it. So why don’t I just clean it up? I’m finally going to.
Erin, I love that you are clearing time in your schedule to move forward on your goal. We’re so excited to get to work with you and have you as a part of this community. Thank you!!!
I love this! I would like to just start the program and actually get some kind of organization in my life. I’ve had the program for months. Not sure if it’s procrastination or fear or even laziness that keeps me NOT moving forward–probably a bit of all those reasons. I would like to start the program and keep moving. Thank you for your email and inspiration and motivation and honesty and and and….everything! Oh. And I would also like to start losing weight (but that’s due to laziness). 🙂
Losa, thank you for your kind words and for sharing your thoughts! And I don’t think there’s any laziness there. Honestly? I think that we’re all doing the best we can, and when we learn how to move forward without stress (STEP!) and lose weight without being hungry (Jonathan Bailor’s SANESolution is my favorite!!), then we will DO those things without stress and the use of willpower.
So, so glad you’re here!
Hi April,
I love your openness and honesty with your struggles. I haven’t been able to start your official program yet as I am finishing my 18th year of homeschooling my boys. My second one is graduating high school and my twin boys are graduating 8th grade. But I have started a regular exercise program which I didn’t think I had time for. The amazing thing is it has given me so much more energy that I actually accomplish more in my day. I have started cleaning and organizing my pantry and a shelf at a time in another closet and bathroom cabinets and it’s slowly but surely getting done. It makes me feel so good to go back to the pantry and admire my work.
Now to clean out my master bedroom closet. That’s my huge project. That and get my email inbox of 20,000+ emails down to 0.
In June I plan to officially start the STEP program. There is so much peace of mind that comes with getting organized!
I love that you are prioritizing your projects in a way that works with your life, Jane! And we can’t wait to have you in STEP with us! Those 20,000 emails can be gone in 2 hours. 🙂 Thank you for the good you are doing in your home and family!!
I, too, want to thank you for taking that leap of faith. While I have incorporated a lot of your tips and training to lessen the burden of clutter, I still have too many emails and I have too much paperwork that needs to be completed. Specifically taxes. Once I got behind it just continued to snowball into this huge mass. (I feel like the cartoon character with arms and legs sticking out of that snowball as it picks up speed while rolling down hill.) As I’ve been learning with a book by Mel Robbins, I need to count down from 5 (5-4-3-2-1-Go) and just get started. Even if that means just starting on one piece of paperwork, one spreadsheet, one pile, now. Just taking that first step! Whew, even the thought is exhausting!
This is a GREAT goal. I know it feels big, but it’s consistent effort over time that gets us where we want to go. We’re here for you and so glad you shared this today Joni!
Thank you for this message! I signed up for your class about 3 times, but I have never actually taken it. The timing has never been right. Recently I quit my extremely stressful full time job and began working part time as a waitress. I love it! It’s fun right now. BUT what a huge step backward for me. I’m 52 and have some medical issues. Finding the right job is difficult. I can’t keep waitressing forever, but there is something I can do as long as my mind still works and that is something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. I want to be a counselor and help those struggling with circumstances in their lives and/or depression. So I a, going back to school! I need 27 credits for my associates degree and then I want to transfer to a Christian college for my bachelors degree. I have been accepted back at my junior college and my registration appointment is this morning!! This is so exciting for me and terrifying at the same time. My mom, daughters, grandkids, pets, husband, church, and job take up most of my time now. How on earth do I think I am going to add full time college to my to-do list?! One thing is for sure – I really need to actually take your class!! This comment feels like it’s all over the place, which is just how I feel too.
I’m tired of playing small. I desire a greater level of organization and planning but I want to be true to my creative self so I need help with flow between these functions.
Thank you for those words if wisdom. They have definitely moved me. I left my job to pursue my passion but have hesitated on the moves I need to make but you have provided the motivation that I needed. In addition to reading the book Jump by Steve Harvey, I needed to read when you write to give me the nudge I needed. Thank you. I fear no more.
I have the same exact issues as Joni K, I get overwhelmed soo easily, simply don’t know where to start, & never could push myself to just do it. This has caused many problems & fights in my life & my marriage. I appreciate Joni K mentioning the book, I will look into it immediately. Also, thank you April for putting the time in to help people with your gifts & knowledge, not everyone understands how paralyzing fear of failure, fear of rejection, along with extreme anxiety & depression really can be. All people every think is that I’m being lazy, I’ve been told that soo much that after so many years, it has become a deeply held belief, whether it’s true or not.
I graduated in 2015, my degree was Creative Writing. I have written two novels, but putting off editing because that is not the fun part, but if I don’t edit it (too expensive to hire an editor) to prepare it for an agent, I can’t publish. At the same time, I am trying to keep my house organized while living with 3 men who don’t care how the house looks.
We are planning on downsizing our home of 25 years. It is filled to the brim and sometimes
‘i am overwhelmed with where to start. i made a dent in paper this month but have so much more to do. My goal is to go room by room for the next 12 months and rid all excess. Ny husband is a collector so this makes it a little tricky.
I was fired from a job I absolutely loved and was good at after 8 years of superb reviews and feeling valued and loved. I’m devastated but know I have no choice but to get back on the horse. I received a generous severance package so have time to find my next calling. However, I remain scared. Scared, that I won’t hear God’s next calling on my life, scared that I won’t find the opportunity that will fulfill that calling, scared that I don’t have what it takes to be successful anymore. I need this now more than ever, not only for encouragement but also for accountability. My goal is to walk through the next open door by the end of 12 weeks!
I’m buying my first house as an investment property and it’s very scary. Not sure if I should rent or AirB&B or if either will even be successful. What if something goes wrong with the house?! EEK. I just feel like it’s time to make a big move and get my money working for me. Here’s hoping and praying it works out.
My husband and I purchased a foreclosure at the end of March this year. We have wanted to redevelop and sell a home for years and years. We are finally facing our fear of failure and moving forward with our dream! With five kids under our feet we know it will be difficult and that we will make mistakes, but as John Wayne said, “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway!” Saddle up, because here we go on our wild ride! Hoping to have the house on the market and sold within the next few months!
55+April, you cannot imagine how much your messages have helped me already. I have begun to de-clutter, starting with my deceased husband’s things, and have the beginnings of a plan to continue through the house. I live in a small double-wide with limited closets (that are STUFFED) so
need to clear out a lot. Paperwork is one of my worst problems. I also want to start a blog, and have begun preliminary planning toward that. Your encouragement means a lot!
Thank you, and God bless!
I will be reading your messages and emails with interest! I think my biggest fear is the fear of being successful with my organizing. I know that sounds strange, but I’ve used my lack of organizational skills as an excuse whenever I’ve lost or forgotten things over the years, and if I get totally organized, I’ll no longer have that excuse. That’s kind of scary to me!
I recently moved into a home with my new partner after my husband passed away 3 years ago. It has been a challenge as I was used to being “in control” of my environment. Now sharing it with someone new and so much extra stuff combining households! I need to totally reorganize my what I brought with me. Closets, drawers, kitchen cabinets, unpacked boxes, etc. Doctor says I need to lose 50 pounds so exercise needs to be added and I also need to get a command central in my real estate office! Your words were inspiring as I think I finally heard what I need to hear! Project, next steps, focus on only 7-8 at a time. Been trying to do it all and accomplishing very little! Thank you for the encouragement!
The ideas from Mel Robbins in her book, The 5 Second Rule, are awesome!! She has several interviews on YouTube that are free and very helpful 🙂
54321 Launch!!
It’s all about overcoming fear and anxiety and priming the brain to move into Action!! 🙂
April, I love that you have so many people sharing and connecting! What a source of inspiration and encouragement. I wrote a small group curriculum for caregivers of all kinds – http://www.theheartofthecaregiver.com – to get them connecting and talking. My husband and I care for our adult daughter with special needs and cared for his mom through cancer and dementia. Groups are in person and live online. We have downsized, become debt free and are preparing to spend our time getting this message of hope and encouragement out to as many caregivers around the world as we can possibly reach. Like your mom so correctly said, the excitement and fear are mingling, but we are choosing to embrace the excitement and run with this. We are grateful for your encouragement. Pray for us!
Thank you April and Eric!
Yes, I am in and want to thank you for being fearless!
I am a Delivered drug addict, alcoholic, victor of domestic violence, and so many other great terrible things that God healed and delivered me from…
Three years ago, I entered back into the Kingdom as like the prodigal son… God received me with open arms. Holy Spirit revealed to me, “When I heal, I will heal”. I spoke to a group of about 45 college students at South Carolina State University last Friday, about my surviving Domestic Violence… it was awesome to share a part of my life that Satan held against me and kept me bound in sin for years! I am free! And whom the Son sets free, is free indeed! I want to pursue the visions I have to be a minister and preach the gospel of JESUS Christ, to be a spiritual motivational speaker, to record the song I wrote, to write this book and all the things GOD has purposes in my heart to do that I will bring glory to HIS Holy name… I’m in! I need people like you all in my life. I am changing my diet of people! I love God and am so grateful, because the devil was trying to not just kill my physical body, but the purpose that God ordained for my life to help others achieve the goodness of HIS mercies, that endure forever! I am excited for this journey with you all! Let’s go forth!!!!! Blessings!
I just started the program and my scary thing is creating Space because I feel I don’t have any since I had to start working from home. When that happened, the space I had cleared for myself was ‘stolen.’ I’m actually typing this from my laptop on the floor in my living room. Hoping to find suggestions and another look at things. I know if I can do it, I’ll feel so much better and that will give me energy to do more.
In hope,
I would like to FINALLY go through the STEP program and get it in working order. I purchased it last year and have started and stopped several times. I end up working on the urgent instead of getting everything in a system that will allow for peace in my life!
I teach several skills for adults and children (swimming, music, reading, nutrition, fitness) all IN PERSON. But now, I am expanding to offer courses online so I can reach a bigger audience (more people can benefit from my teaching) and I can create another income stream. Getting off the ground is tricky because I must learn new TECHNOLOGY and that is scary sometimes. It’s also tricky because it requires using the COMPUTER and I try not to do that when my kids are around…. which means I don’t have much time to use it.
My goal for the next 12 weeks is to let go of my interview anxiety, insecurities, and fear so I can get a job.
Yes! I’m ready to do this thing! I’ve got to get over thinking about all my “stuff” and just do it! I feel like I need to hear that cheerleader inside of me shouting affirmations to get me going. Just like the Little Engine that Could, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…I know I can…”
This post is so perfect for me. I have to add to my income. I want something steady and easy. I have a few choices ahead of me. Just not sure which to pick…and fearful I’ll pick the wrong one. One takes alot of time, so I would need to be more organized. The others won’t pay as much or as steady, but won’t take as much time. I’d love to be part of a community and gain more insights!
I need to create sanctuary in my home, I’ve piled up 5 months of important paperwork (organized chaos) and have items that are still useful, just no longer useful to me to discard. I also have 7 dogs and 3 cats that enjoy going in and out with me….thank God they are housebroken! All the clutter in my home reflects the clutter in my head!
I want to ramp up and stop doing my crafting as only a hobby and make a true go of working it into a successful business. I applied for an event this Friday & Saturday for a booth. Haven’t heard from them yet but this will be my first step out,of my comfort zone as I haven’t tried the craft fairs and events yet. I am very nervous and have actually caught me having thoughts of why maybe I shouldn’t do this if accepted as a vendor. I also know this would be very good exposure in my “community” and just my offer me great opportunities. This is just my FIRST fear. I have another , but will tackle that after I get going with this one☺?
I want you to know I am reading your emails, and they are encouraging in the manner that I see I am not the only one out here in my situation. I am so overwhelmed, and burning the candle at both ends. I wake up and say let’s get started, I take a look around my home, and then literally cry! I have no idea where to start. Just looking at everything exhausts me! I feel defeated before I start, so I don’t! I usually go do something outside in the yard that needs done or run errands. Anything to get away, runaway if you will! Ugh! I use to be a perfectionist, very type A, I don’t know what has happened to me!
Thank you for your honesty about fear. This resonated with me, too. I think fear is common for us all, but in this relatively new internet age, criticism seems to come from strangers quite freely! So, yes, it IS scary!
Although I was “Born Organized” I too have put others first for many years. Here is what I’ve done in the past 2 weeks in my initial steps towards simplicity and minimalism:
1) Gotten rid of excess food in pantry and fridge by either tossing, eating, or donating. New meal plans include food we already have.
2) Used nearly all makeup/hair care/skincare samples from hotels, magazines, etc.
3) Gone through every paper pile and thrown away over 4 trash bags worth of stuff
4) Re-ordered filing system, getting rid of many files & more paper
5) Deleted over 2,000 emails and organized many others – not down to zero yet, but in a much better place.
Biggest immediate goals:
1) Sell de-cluttered clothes and other items on eBay or local FB Buy/Sell/Trade page.
2) Get rid of all excess linens (sheets and towels)
3) Go through all book shelves
4) Make my way through Step Self-Study!
5) Lose 8 pounds through exercise and My Fitness Pal app.
6) Figure out Evernote
7) Do sleep study
April, I am 51 and have one kid in college and two in high school. Life is busy, however, I have just completed 3 college courses (SUPER hard) over the school year and am planning to apply to a healthcare program in 2017 that only accepts 16 applicants per year. My husband has not had a permanent job in nearly 7 years. The financial stress is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Prayers are appreciated!
I have to get a handle on the paper in our house over the summer. Our finances need order and we need to make a prioritized list of things to do to our home. I’d love to be part of your project.
I started an online degree program a while back, I haven’t touched it recently. I’ve completed only one class and have found every excuse not to finish another (even though it’s paid for and could help me move in my career). I don’t think it’s fear of finishing, I think it’s fear of committing myself to something I’m not excited to do. However, sometimes you have to dig in the mud before you’ll have flowers. It’s time, I need those flowers in my life! I’ll commit with community behind me. Thanks April!
Your post was beautiful, as are you! And it resonated with me. I don’t know if I’ve been putting something off so much as I just know there’s something I need to do but I’m not entirely sure where or how to start. Or maybe that’s the definition of putting something off! Lol!
At any rate, I know I can do hard things, and I know that I am intelligent enough to do some research and get going. I just need to make it a priority.
Thank you for your example!!
Hi April,
The thing I am most fearful of at this moment is starting over. My husband of 11 years had decided that my unorganized/ADHD mind is too much for him. He says that because of everything that I don’t do, forgetting to pay bills, late to pretty much everything, all coupled with the fact that he says I put all that stuff before him he is done in our marriage. He says I have neglected him for too long and he has had enough. So after 11 years with the same person I’ll be starting over on my own. I’ve decided to move away from the town where the house we shared is because it’s too painful. I want to run away as far as I can stand (because my mother still lives in the area) and never look back…unless it’s for her of course. I want a clean slate with my 4 cats…the truth is I’ve never had to do life by myself. I lived with my mom until I got married at 20 and then I’ve been with my husband since. I’ve never been on my own and frankly it scares me to death. But I know that it’s something I need to do.
I’m just a mess. I don’t know why. I’ve read Barbara Felton, the “Slob Sisters”, all of them… since my 20s. Now, at 50, I’ve done so much purging I feel I could single-handedly fill Good Will for a year. Seriously though! I’m down to two dogs and a husband. The dogs are hairless and the husband does the bills at work. You’d think that would help with the mess of *at least* laundry and paperwork. No. It’s like life has played a cruel trick on me. For sure I’m not a hoarder (I’ve had that fear & taken a LOT of tests!), but I often, like twice a week or more, I have a recurring nightmare that I am. I will unpack a box, cleanand wash everything, and price it for a yardsale. Then, I look in the box and it’s full again! It’s the same theme as another dream where I am packing for a trip and am never ready when it’s time to go. My suitcase is empty, I am frantically looking for clean matching clothes, and I have no one scheduled to dog sit while I’m gone. There’s more, as I’m sure you know (because I’ve read enough stop-being-messy books to know you know) the rest. The saddest part is, I’m physically living where I’ve wanted for so long… a remote tiny town in the mountains in an adorable a-frame house and I am loved.
Please help…. Prozac doesn’t cut it.
Thanks for the email. Lots of things I need to deal with, but the most realistic one is my craft room. I’ve gone through the rest of the house and got rid of carloads of stuff, needless to say more could go but ready to tackle this. Do you have a clue about this process, I’m a scrapbooker, (nonprofessional) mixed media artist, and card maker. Help!
I’ve always wanted to blog. I bought my domain name, I’m self hosted and reading everything I can. I just haven’t started posting. I’m afraid I’ll do it wrong or no one will want to read what I write.
I’m in the same boat as you. Waiting for the right timing and wanting to start strong. Sarah Titus has a blog about blogging and she has good advice.
Hi, I’m stuck on the second module about cleaning up the email. I’ve had the same Juno email address for 20 years. I should probably just watch the next few modules to see what you suggest, but just the sheer effort it would take to change email – it’s almost like moving – is just overwhelming to contemplate. Plus it’s spring, and I’m the one available to get the yard in shape for summer – so my yardman gat has been getting a lot of use.
Thanks, Kim Radha
My mom passed away and I need to deal with her clothes and personal items by August 1.
Wow you have my wheels turning! I feel like this is a sea change year for me. And God is whispering to me every day. Lots of shift on the horizon! Scary and exciting–totally get that! Giving me a lot of journaling, thinking and praying to do. Thank you.
I completely resonate with your post and look forward to more. I want and need to move my business forward and no longer stay stuck by hiding in safety. The world needs what I have to offer. Thanks for stepping out, leading, and supporting others April!
I want to conquer the clutter in my home. One of your questions, to paraphrase, which one of the items on your list would change your life if you did it?. is what gave me the inspiration to get started. I have already been dedicated to several improvements for other areas of my life, and fortunately have never been afraid of failing. I think I get behind because I just start too many things, lol. I am glad you have started these inspirational posts/emails and am happy to receive them!
I want to practice self control in a certain area of my life. Any area where I have not been good at that historically but others spiritual walk, in addition to my own, depend on it!
I’m getting ready to leave my full-time job at the end of the month and pursue several things. Your post is so relevant because it’s pretty scary. I have several things that I want to do and accomplish and I’m going to need help. Organization and systems do not come naturally to me! Thank you for being there, continuing to grow yourself and being a blessing to others (like ME!).
Well, I recently decided not to go back to school for a degree in psychology. I felt God leading me to just disciple the people/ladies He has brought and will bring my way. I ask for your prayers, as this is a new endeavor. They’re all young ladies in their early 20’s and I think we’re starting with the book Boundaries. (Something that changed my life 13 years ago.)
We start in 4 days and I’m still trying to organize my thoughts and ideas.
I will stay tuned to your emails, seeing as it seems to fit well with this season.
Thanks for reaching out to make a difference in the lives of people you don’t know ?
I have been waiting to start regular classes in my field to children and youth, but health has been an obstacle for many years due to an unrelenting autoimmune disorder (well, actually more than one). Stress has made the condition worse, (happy stress and sad stress) but I have been working with a physical therapist, chiropractor, phychiatrist and specialists in the field of medicines for the conditions and I can do more than I could last year at this time. I have been afraid of flaring up so bad that I had to cancel and actually have had to a few times, but it wasn’t all that bad. Everyone understood and was so nice about it! And I was able to show up and follow through a WHOLE LOT more times than I didn’t ! ha ha
What I want to do now is weekly classes this summer rather than just a month in duration with several week’s break in between (for recovery and believe me I needed it!). YIPES!!!! That means I have to keep the momentum going forward consistently and I don’t feel quite ready physically but my heart YEARNS for it, my pocket book needs it, and the parents are BEGGING FOR IT!!! My chiropractor said I’m “looking stronger” and he’s very intuitive. So, I guess we’ll see!!! I spoke to the owner of the building where I teach yesterday and though there was concern for my health, there is an OPEN DOOR for the classes to start as soon as school gets out!!!
This is very scary but also very much the direction I believe I am meant to go. I will walk in love, not fear, with the support system of my amazing husband (who cooks AND cleans up the kitchen and builds props for my classes, how blessed am I!!?!!), friends and the parents who appreciate what I offer their children. I am thankful for the amazing team of Dr.s and practioners that help me along this journey but I’m also aware that my own choices are going to determine whether I am going to be strong enough for the long haul.
I will be in touch!!! Glad to be on this journey with so many brave souls! GODSPEED!!
P.S. I also want to get my website up and running!!!
Your post really hit home with me. I’m thankful to know that I’m not the only one out there that lets fear or procrastination stand in the way! I left my full time job to go on my own and haven’t put my heart into it…something is holding me back. I think it’s fear of not making enough to cover the mortgage, etc. You have inspired me to turn fear to excitement and go get the business that I know is out there!
I want to clear out 1/2 my house and finish renovating the two rooms so I can grow my Charitable Project . Lack of space has hampered my dream!
My life is cluttered with unneeded belongings and too many hours devoted to the dreams of others .
So in essence I want to learn to say no! No I don’t need this, no I can’t take on another project, no I can not work an extra shift or spear head your project or help you move. I love helping others! But I want to learn how to help myself grow!
I feel called to lead a life group at my church. A women’s life group. I am overjoyed that you mentioned what you did in “#1” because the fear of people not liking me or having ill feelings toward me is what has stopped me from doing just about everything for most of my 54 years. I can basically go on and on about why I feel this way, but I’ll just conclude by saying that I’ve only recently learned about healthy boundaries. That if people have a problem with me stepping out in faith to better myself, it is their problem and I’m not responsible for how they choose to feel about it. It’s really hard because I’ve been a people-pleaser my whole life (which is basically why I’m 54 and just starting to realize what I want to be when I grow up)!!
I’ve learned so much in my business in the last few years. I’ve tweaked and reworked and dismissed and grew and it keeps evolving in certain ways. I’ve been taught that learning and rethinking is a process and I should celebrate my successes and learn from the not-so-much-a-successes! One big fear is that I’ll promise to deliver and not come through. I don’t know where it comes from yet, but it’s a big nuisance. Thank you, people above in this string, for being open and sharing. We’re all dealing with something. Support is invaluable.
I recently closed a business that my husband and I started (his passion, not mine :{ ) and am at home right now. I’ve always wanted to start my own business – something that I’m passionate about, for the longest time. To feel accomplished in something that I love to do. I need to get myself organized with the residuals of that business and start what I am envisioning for my future. That is my goal this summer, to get my new business off the ground and get my life ORGANIZED. Used to be so on point with everything and can’t seem to find the motivation. Hope I can find it here. 🙂
I am taking charge of my money and telling it what it can do for me.
I want to live more unencumbered and emotionally self sustaining.
I need to move forward with my book project. I don’t know what I’m afraid of, but I’ve been putting it off for quite a while. I am hoping and praying this will give me the energy and motivation to take this on!
I finally opened your email and I am so glad I did. The fact that you admitted your own fear and not-being perfect at the very thing you are helping others with, makes me trust you even more. Good lesson for me there, and so I am going to admit my own fears and shortcomings and hope it brings the same understanding from the universe. I have been serial procrastinating for a few years. Almost five years ago, my life changed suddenly and irrevocably. After a (too-quick) grieving period, I rallied for about a year, but the big changes (Partner, moving, job, health status and now death of my mother) just kept coming and wore me down. I’ve virtually thrown in the towel and sometimes feel like I’m just surviving, instead of where I want to be: thriving. I have so many goals and they have seemed insurmountable. My blog has languished for a year, because I’m so overwhelmed. I have money stuff I need to take care of, but barely hanging on by my fingernails, and it seems the more I try to purge “things” from my life, my space is never “workable.” I just read the headlines of your last articles and they ALL apply and I need to read them. Of course, I don’t have time, but I made time to head to your site today and reply and that is a small victory. I am going to read one of your entries at the beginning of every week. Thank you for overcoming your own fears to reach out. My best to you.
My books for my business are incredibly daunting. I need to work on this and get them done for 2016 so I can get the info to the accountant, to file my tax return by October. It has always been a HUGE task by myself. While my Momma was alive, she helped me. Sigh. It has always been brain hurt doing this task. It is much easier with two. My sister has helped me since our Mom died. Now, she lives far away. Sigh.
“putting myself out there” is scary to me… I feel I am very talented in a lot of different aspects. Finding the “ONE” thing that will make me happy and make money is the hard part. I have a tendency to jump around a lot of different projects at once and completely miss opportunity. I have my own business, I am my own boss, but the trick is I get in RUTS-unable to move past a “negative feeling” about my talents. So to motivate by inspiration of others might help me; Write, Create, Sing, or Inspire Others too! (that would be fantastic)
I want to get my Modular Island ( the heart of my command center) DONE!
Your email is just what I needed today. I signed up for your class months ago and then all hell broke loose with job change, family illness, church, and my house just gets more and more piles of projects stuffed here and there. I’m afraid I will never get to that happy spot of decluttering my life. Thanks for the email. I can tell you are full of wisdom, enthusiasm, and kindness for all. Thanks!
I need to actually implement the decluttering program I purchased. I got the pile of mail off the living room chair, and I bought file folders. Months ago. Procrastinating ever since. I would LOVE to get periodic emails to help me stay focused. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing April. I honestly have not been participating like I want to, but I am not giving up! I have recently read a book (going on 3x!) by Greg McKeown, titled Essentialsm: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. Your program and encouragements are all a part of the change I am seeking and working toward. Keep it coming! What you are doing is valuable!
– organize my basement
-lose weight
Hi April (& Eric), I’m going to start an investment portfolio, set up my business for the upcoming busy season & starting an at home meditation routine. Thank you for starting this community and being so open about your fears and tips on how to grow past them!
With love and gratitude, Jacqui
My big struggle is gaining my health back. I have chronic pain, migraines and exhaustion and was diagnosed with 2 auto immune diseases, Celiac disease and the other, a thyroid disease, Hoshimotos Thyroditis. I’ve been researching it quite a bit and I understand that all these issues are connected and that this second disease can be put into remission with the right diet and supplementation. I now know what I need to do and what to eat it’s just the time and money and the change of life style and habits that this health overhaul will demand that’s terrifying. Can I really do this? Will it really work to get me the health and energy I need and want? So this is what I am presently set to embark on and will be working on these next few months. My hope is to gain back my energy, my body and my peace so I can give more to myself, my 5 children, my husband and others.
I have a relationship that needs to be addressed with love and care.
I have been encouraged numerous times to start selling my crafts and while I believe deep down that I can do this I am really having a hard time pushing the button to just do it. I need some guidance on doing just that. My goal is for that to become my full time job.
Thank you for the e-mail! I know fear, unfortunately that pesky wall that we tend to build for ourselves. I like the words you used and I will read this again and see how I can apply it.
Thank you for your email. I was inspired by your clutter webinar months ago and started but have not completed some of the steps.
I’d like to hear more about your book. I just lost my grandmother to dementia 2 weeks ago, she was my hero my whole life. After she died I felt ashamed of my clutter (she was a very tidy, minimalist person) and now I really want to get over this attachment to my STUFF (clothes especially)
I know I have more than I need and I’m ready to let go, I just never know when to start. I also feel like I need more time to start and bring the project to completion! So that’s what’s keeping me in hiding, but I want to be free and live more simply like my grandmother!
In January, it looked like my dream job was falling into my lap. But a last minute change of heart at the management level put an end to that. I am struggling to deal with my hurt feelings and emotions surrounding this change, which really feels like a betrayal. Now I am working for a boss who doesn’t trust me and who has little respect for what I know. I love the work, but am seriously considering changing to a job I love less to work for a person I like more. I need to decide – to stick with the often unpleasant, but sometimes okay bird in hand or go with the unknown. Scary when I have a child in college that I want to help financially. I have reached a point where I am now questioning my capabilities and my confidence is erroding daily. I need to make a decision.
I am excited about my own learn do become journey I am currently on. I am stepping out on faith and starting a mentor group in my city. I told myself I should wait for my daughter to start school. Then, I told myself I need to become a published author before I actually start the group. Now I realize I never said any of those things. Fear told me to wait for this and that and just kept piling on reasons to wait. Now I realize I just need to step out on faith.
Just wanted to say hello and that I’m reading. I think of you so often in my day to day and winder ‘What would April do?’ Heh. You’re one of my heros. Hugs to you and kudos for being brave. And I was just listening to a podcast you did and I hope your head is doing better.
Maybe my brave thing could be to figure out my online photography class for teens I want to teach that I just decided is a big part of my mission.
Thank You – I needed to hear that others have these challenges as well! I get so much on my plate and then I struggle to follow through and it is killing me!! So thank you, thank you!
I have to sell my mobile home. I moved 7 months ago when I was in a wheelchair from an accident and have not been able to take care of it and it is going downhill. The market is soft, I keep lowering my price to now it is $5000 and still not sold. I am so stressed about it I procrastinate making calls and don’t know what to do next. I don’t want to keep paying rent every month on it, which I can’t afford, now going on 8 months. I get immobilized, and need to do the hard stuff, whatever that is, to get this sold.
I want to move along our home improvement project. One step at a time. I am going to make a list of small steps to do something each day, even if it is only something that takes 15 minutes to accomplish or if it may take 2 hours to accomplish. I just want to feel like we are making progress and moving forward with the project.
I have purchased this program and not started the work. I’m good and purchasing what I need and never finding time to work the program…..sigh
After 6 years of being on staff at a church in children’s ministry, the Lord is asking me to lay that down and substitute teach in the public schools.
I’ve been through the training and am excited and terrified all at the same time. I’ve never taught in a public school, yet am being asked to leave what I love.
I am terrified at receiving that first teaching assignment.
Thank you for your letter! It was a vehicle for hope and courage to step out & trust the One who has already walked before me and goes with me. Thank you!!
I retired from my career as a Career Counselor at a university two years ago. Because I still loved Career Counseling, I did some part time Career Coaching and resume writing. I also had a blog. My work was primarily volunteer or for no charge. A year ago my husband was diagnosed with ALS. I became his Caretaker and gave up Career Coaching. My husband died two months ago. I am meeting with my first client in several months and want to revive my blog. However, it’s terrifying and overwhelming as I grieve the death of my husband. Your message made me feel as if I’m not alone. Thank you —
LearnDoBecome is scary for me. It seems overwhelming to tackle all this chaos, both external and internal.
The funny thing is – I just started a Bible Study today on the book of Joshua. In the first chapter of Joshua, God told Joshua three times to be strong and courageous. The people following him (most of them MUCH younger) told him once. Timing on LearnDoBecome and that Bible Study is God’s. The other commands were “do not be afraid” and “be sure to do everything God commands”. I will be strong and courageous so that I can “possess the land”. I am going to follow the STEPS and see results!
Thank you for this gentle, much needed nudge. I am birthing a new business but my perpetual state of disorganization is a huge hindrance. I am committing the next 12 weeks to moving beyond labor pains into a new life/entity.
I am a retired teacher who is now tackling 20+ years of stuff /”treasures” that I ignored while teaching. I am the world’s best procrastinator!!! I am undisciplined and disorganized!!!
Every time I start in one spot, the job becomes so overwhelming that I find myself giving up and “postponing” (avoiding) the project and then moving on to another where the cycle begins again.
I watched your video regarding breaking projects into small steps. I had an A-HA! moment! Your process is exactly the same as creating a lesson plan-something I’m familiar with! I am now creating my plan to hack away at my home. My goal is to be finished by summer’s end!!
Thanks for the reminder that I had the tools along! Now to use them…
I’m a wife to my husband of 27 years, the mother of three grown-and-out-of-the-house children, and Grandma to three beautiful girls. I work full-time, plus overtime almost every week of the year.
I started Learn Do Become and the STEP program just over a year ago. Using the program, I was going to conquer the world! I took every step very seriously and completed all of the work as I went through each one. Until it was time to implement everything… I did my first weekly review, and never again had “time” to do another. I’m buried in so much work at the office, and so many papers at home, that they feel like a physical weight on my chest. I keep telling myself that if I could only get out from under it all, I could once again implement the system. I know it works, and I know I can do it, but I just can’t seem to get there. I got a promotion at work in November, and was able to hire an assistant (very grateful for that!) and I’m still buried. Somehow, someway, I need to get out from under all that is keeping me weighted down. Sometimes, there is so much to do that I can’t do anything but sit at my desk and look at my piles of work.
All of this also prevents me from pursuing my personal development outside of work. I committed to a spiritual reading plan; I’m struggling to keep at it, and I’m not experiencing much enrichment from it, because I’m doing my reading late at night – not optimal timing, for sure!
I think I need to take myself through the STEP program one more time, and get myself back to a point where I can accomplish what needs to be done, and work on projects that will enrich my life.
I made the jump from full time to part time work. I have been working full time for 39 years and my husband has been retired for 7 years. It was time and it is scary.
It’s only been 2 weeks, but working Tuesday thru Thursday each week with 4 day weekends is a dream.
I am in the sleeping late phase and will move to the get those projects that have been sitting there done (by end of the summer). I then plan to take a crafting / sewing / knitting class of some type, then it will be time for a new venture, business, volunteer or activity to get emerged in.
Looking forward to your posts.
I have some of all of yall’s problems. Some I do not have. The lady who is going to move, count your blessings and move with a new clean slate and meet all the new friends you can. What an opportunity? All of ya’ll that have husband,boyfriends,girlfriends,wife, kids, family you are so blessed. You will never know the loneliness of having all your family gone. I would give anything to have a family. Lets say I move, where to a beautiful place in another state or even in another town that is doing better than my town. Not sure I could move,my mind says so but 13 yrs ago I broke my back working at Forensic State Criminally Insane Hospital. I could not walk for 2.5 yrs. I have learn to walk again, but like the retired teacher I have many memories of my family items I can’t at this time throw away. (I would love to see your video the other lady talks about) I would love to be able to learn how to write a blog,book,a story. Write a Journal on my parents wanted me but instead put me up for adoption when I was 12 days old. I would love that my mother had not gotten early onset Alzheimer’s when I was 12 yr old. Of all that has happen to me, I had a wonderful family growing up. My dad & mom and grandparents loved me.My Dad showed me how to care for others,read,cook,bake,grill, sew,quilt, knit, crochet, know my manners,backpack,repel,hike,camp,drive,love,make candles,stained glass,garden, woodworking. So many other things. He taught me to never meet a stranger,to never give up, to never swear, to always be KIND. We went on so many trips in our homemade canoe,backpacking, yep took my mom,his wife- in early yrs of disease, it was difficult but we did it as a family. Life is pretty good. We all have our up and downs and it is pretty awesome to have this group who can accept you how you are. I hope someday we can meet some or all of us. I do have a business now creating custom beautiful designs /apparel for others. I have an herb & flower& pepper garden. I make stained glass windows. I teach kids how to Sew & Gardening. I hike once or twice a yr in NM,CO,WY. I am not afraid of anything. Life is to short! I love life!
First of all, it’s pretty awesome that it took me 30 seconds of scrolling on my phone to get to the bottom of the comments so that I could write. And that was after reading comments for about 20 minutes!! I need to go get ready for work, so I had to stop reading so I could write too! I’m looking forward to starting this process – to organizing, clarifying, prioritizing. I am an ESL teacher – I just finished my first year. I love it! This is my 3rd career – I taught high school Spanish in my 20s, worked as an account administrator for client & patient service for a Dominican pathologist in my 30s & now I’m back to teaching. It felt like coming home to be back in the classroom. I left the first time after a bout with depression and I was afraid to go back – all the wonderful memories got tangled in that horrible fear and sadness of the final months. It took me years to recover and to gain & maintain being stable. Now I’m energized. I do yoga and walk – sometimes – and see my therapist and psychiatrist to check in BUT I’ve gotten a bit overzealous in my community involvement. I have always given too much of myself out – I forget that I need to take care of myself – spend more time doing physical activity and sleeping than sitting in meetings! I’ve recently been diagnosed with hypertension- so I need to make better use of my time and focus on eating healthier & exercising more. I’m looking forward to spending time with my daughter this summer and to working together as a family to help me choose better how I spend my time & who I give it too. Blessings! I’m
Happy to be here!
I think I am just afraid of beginning. I am afraid of getting it all laid out to organize then having to scoop it all back up to rush to one emergency or another. My husband is a minister and I a counselor to what is predominantly street people and when something goes awry then we are off to deal with it. I am also caregiver to a bedridden women in my home and my mom who has epilepsy and some demensia. Nothing like being on call 24/7. Tell me how to get started. I did your class on organization and know the steps but don’t know how to just bite the bullet.
I’m coming to the party late because I just read your email. I too have a problem with stuff but only in “my area” of the house. I love to sew so I have accumulated 7 machines, tons of fabric and notions and 3 quilt frames that I don’t know how to use. My mother passed away in 2015. I have been sneaking bags of her stuff in my house because my husband told me not to bring anything else into the house. I wear most of the clothes but some I want to make into quilts for my kids. I’ve kind of run out of room in “My space”. I would like to finish cleaning out her things at my Dad’s house but I’m stifled because I don’t want to get rid of it and I don’t have any more room in “My space”. I’ve read things that are supposed to help you part with things and I’ve watched the hoarding shows to see how they manage to motivate people but I’m procrastinating. I would like to overcome this and have a nice clean area so that I can be more productive and feel inspired in “My space” instead of overwhelmed and disappointed in myself for allowing it to get such a mess. I would love to learn more so I can set some goals and see some improvement in my life.
Janet H.
I am ready to get back on track.
I am in the process of cleaning out one house and going through 20+ years of stuff. The “bursts” of doing something towards my goals have been very helpful. LearnDoBecome.com showed up at a needed time in my life.
April, you are courageous and it is so helpful for me. Thank you!
I am so excited about your STEP program. Like so many here I PROCRASTINATE and need to develop better time management skills. My husband of 37 years moved to heaven 4 years ago and my life seemed to go in to a pause state and things just keep piling up. It was 2 years before I could even file my income tax because I couldn’t deal with all of the doctor bills and evidence that he was really gone from this earth. so my office is an absolute mess. I feel like God has lead me to your program. He has also lead me to a new career after 40 years in the healthcare field, I start doing real estate full time June 1st. I am ALL IN and ready to begin my new adventure with a NEW and organized workspace!!
I need to tackle my basement. I can’t even breathe when I think about it. It is filled with craft projects, sewing projects, embroidery, baking, items I planned on selling on ebay, scrapbooking, Christmas decorations. It’s so overwhelming to me because everything just gets put “down in the basement ” and “I’ll get to it later” well, thanks to you…. later is NOW! Please keep me in your prayers!
Courage to take on those things that feel too big is a great topic to attack and I have many such projects in my life so bring it on. This is so therapeutic for me and better than going to counseling!
Your comment made me smile! We can do these things together, Sylvia!!
My goal for the next 90 days is to clear my deceased father’s home and put it on the market. It’s difficult being in the home and clearing his belongings. I have procrastinated going over there because it brings up so many emotions. Selling this home is huge closure for me because, between my husband and I, he was the last surviving parent. I’m so grateful that I have the tools of the STEP program moving forward with this and my other projects. Some of the decisions I’ve already made while clearing and staging the home had to be reevaluated. Some things we’ve done had to be undone. It’s like the whole project keeps reinventing itself! But with the STEP tools, I now have in place, it was just an adjustment in the next action step. My husband and I calmly take it all in stride as we keep moving forward.
I bought April & Eric’s program, and it is fantastic. I am stuck on the email part because I have no less than six email accounts with hundreds of thousands of emails between them. It’s a royal mess. I have been dreading it. On top of this I have an eleven month old, a full time corporate job with a hefty commute, a husband who works weekends and nights, and a father who lives with me and requires care. I have almost no time to myself, but I vow to spend at least 15 minutes a day on this project!
April – I love you to death.
You are an amazing Woman. Mother. Coach. Friend. Wife. Daughter.
Thanks for sharing and never ever stop, and don’t worry if you have to take a break we still love you, just don’t go away for too long….hehe
I must admit…I am so overwhelmed with so many projects that I can’t decide what I want to work on. BUT I will keep on keeping on..and make progress… forward….that’s all I can do….do my best…..
You are an inspiration to SO many, Samantha! Love you back!!
I have just read your e-mail from the beginning of May and while I’m also stuck getting my e-mails back to 0 and my hope to get my paper masses under control l did finally move on one scary project: moving my horse from Germany to the US. I finally just sat down last Wednesday evening and sent out e-mails to 3 shipping companies asking for offers. And even scarier on Thursday morning I decided to go with on of the 2 shippers that answered me–now my horse is scheduled to fly 22 June. That was not the outcome that I expected, I thought it’ll take a few months but the universe thought a different plan was necessary. At the same time I’m taking a business class to start and grow my healing business organically. With the kids starting summer break I was tempted to do nothing until school starts again…I can do this one step at the time and hopefully the paper issues I have will be taken care of some day soon.
Thanks April for the challenge and being so bold. I am praying about an opportunity to lead a group of 9th girls at church. Totally outside my comfort level, but meeting with the youth director next week!
Thank you for this post. Love your mom’s quote… wow. What a wake up call. Inspired indeed:)
I have been putting off starting a podcast for moms. I want to interview women who would consider themselves average and “nothing special,” but highlight something in their lives that makes them unique. They have great wisdom to share. One woman has struggled with infertility for 9 years, went through the adoption process and when they were chosen as a family, the birth mom changed her mind the hour they were supposed to pick up “their” baby girl. Another woman was a hairstylist and felt like God was calling her to completely change careers and she became a self taught interior designer. Another mother struggles with depression. Another mother has had a husband who struggles against pornography. Sometimes he wins the battle, sometimes he doesn’t. These are all hidden and would never be known if they didn’t share their stories. I have a list of very ordinary and yet extraordinary moms whom I’d love to interview. I’ve got all the equipment and yet because the technology piece seems too much, I put my head in the sand.
Talk about putting things off! I had over 2k emails. Well going through them I found your email and I wanted to share with you my recent goal. First a little history… I am a nurse practitioner in a busy ER, I also own my own business which I distribute health and wellness products. I have often dreamed of having a blog. I feel like I have a plethora of information regarding health and wellness, I frequently get calls, texts etc regarding questions. In addition I see so many people in the ER that are simply just lack the simple knowledge regarding their health. So about a year ago I started my blog and I fell flat on my face. I had no idea what I was doing. Since then I have read and read information on blogs and so 5 days ago I started my new quest in preparing material for my blog. I have read that the best way to start is to have 3 months of material and to start gathering a following. So through my social media I have started a daily inspiration quote and giving some background on the person that wrote the quote. In addition I am writing 500 words a day/blog/educational information. I plan to do thing until October 1st when I launch my blog. I am excited. It has only been 5 days but I am set on sticking to it. Thank you for your inspiration and knowing that I am not the only one!
Marie Ramos
Marie- Thanks for your note! Glad you are here and that you are moving forward with this big project. Best of luck as you launch!
Talk about procrastination! My motto sometimes is: “One of these days I’ll get it done!” But that day is today! I have been putting off obtaining my Enrolled Agent certification with the IRS. Mainly because it consists of 3 daunting exams that have to be passed. I took the 1st one and only missed it by 12 points (not bad considering I didn’t study as I know I should have). The other reason is because I know the certification will bring A TON more work/clients my way. Although that translates to more income, I am a one-woman office (and that office is in my house and in need of a serious make-over which I am GOING TO complete in a few weeks). But ALL of this adds up to so many more questions: Do I look for a store-front location? Do I have to hire help? How will I pay for all of that? etc, etc, etc.
I also have another BIG project in the works – my true passion – publishing a series of children’s books. I am closer now than I was last year as the 1st release is in the hands of the illustrator and I am praying (speaking it to the Universe) that it will be published by the end of the year!
Needless to say I am extremely grateful I stumbled across your page on Instagram and looked you up here! I am ready to Learn, Do and Become ALL that I was meant to be and then some! 🙂
Angela- thanks for your comment and sharing part of your life. We are glad you are here and hope that you will get some good for your projects and passions!
I have so many things that I would like to accomplish… have even started a few projects… but I find that it is very difficult for me to follow them thru and therefore have not really gotten any of them off the ground in spite of having invested money already. I am not quite sure why it is so difficult for me to follow thru. I am at the point of being so overwhelmed with the amount of projects pending that I just don’t even know how or where I should start. Please help!!
Ivis- this is a challenge for so many and it is a real struggle. One thing that is super helpful is to make sure we are focusing on only those projects we can handle in a certain time. In our class we teach how 7-8 projects a month (about) is really do-able. Jump into a live class and we’ll help you see how to help! http://www.LearnDoBecome.com/step
Okay’s July 16th, 2 months after this was posted and I am now seeing it for the first time…Why because I have to many email address and to much junk in y emails.
Help. How can I really get a hold of these emails? Do I set one up for junk mail, Another for things I am really interested in? and one for family?
Yes no maybe so??
Joy – check out our https://learndobecome.com/emails-zero/ post that will help get your emails under control. We also dedicate a full section on this in our STEP program. If you want to find out more sign up for a free webinar http://www.learndobecome.com/step and we’ll help you see how simple this is..and how fantastic to live at emails to zero. 🙂
That big scary thing I have been putting off is getting back to life. 2016 hit me *HARD* to the point of not wanting to be alive anymore. But now- almost 1 year later_ I am better- WOW. I say wow because it felt like a few months in my mind.
What I want is to get back to the land of the living and to attempt to deal with me on the inside to be a better version than I was. I saw your web site & this post; I understand that fear all too well. (False Evidence Appearing Real)
So yes I would love to be able to get back to you in 12 weeks and say I have done it!! Helping me is what I need and folks who can help are what I am seeking. Will you help me?
Ericka, Thanks for sharing part of your story! We are glad you are in a better place now and would love to help you- check out any of the resources we have here- or join us for a free webinar http://www.LearnDoBecome.com/step where we can get you started. Thanks for taking the time to comment- and for what you shared here. 🙂
I just found this post (& your webinar). It is so refreshing and helpful hearing you being so honest! I sincerely appreciate your sharing your ‘real’ self. I’m in the same boat of being scared, scared to face my piles that embarrass me when company comes over. :/ Thanks SO much for posting this. Let’s be brave together.
Martha, thank you so much for your kind words! That fear never really goes away. 🙂 Once we get good at one thing, the “next” thing feels scary. But doing something scary every day creates magic, right? So glad you’re here with us!!!
Thank you for being so transparent! I have been putting off completing some assignments that will eventually lead to me receiving my certification in an area that I’m passionate about and been yearning to do daily! I needed this encouragement. I would like to continue making daily progress and move forward toward reaching the goal. I know once I am there, the fulfillment will be amazing. I love #2…our lives are not our own and we were created to be a blessing to others, so it’s an injustice to them not to reach our goals and live out our passions. I pray you continue to have strength and peace as you walk in your purpose!
Thank you so much, Ly! Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way. 🙂 I put a little message on my screensaver that says, “It’s not about you.” That helps me whenever I start feeling like “it’s too much” or “I don’t have what it takes!” The fact is, we each have the capacity to help others, and it feels SO good to step into it. Grateful to have you here in the community at Learn Do Become!
Dear April,
I cannot begin to tell you what an encouragement this post is to me. Just knowing that you grapple with these things, like I do, is such an encouragement to me. This is what I love about you, April! You are so honest and transparent, and willing to be vulnerable, that I can relax with you! I don’t feel judged and condemned, but affirmed and empowered! Someday, I plan to let you know how very much you and Eric and your ministry has done for me and meant to me. For now, I am still in the process of, like the apostle Paul says it, working out my “own salvation with fear and trembling.” But please know that, while I am not the most vocal and visible of your followers, I am continually growing more grateful for you. Don’t stop!!! <3
Terri, your message meant so much. It is SO outside my comfort zone to share my insecurities so publicly, but I’m glad that it’s helpful to you! Keep up the great work! We’re here for you to help you along the way! xoxo
I have been so frustrated by everything I have around me that I don’t need!!! So many times I have tried to get rid of stuff but for some reason cannot stay on task! (I am ADHD tho!!) But someone in a 10 mile radius can sneeze and I’m distracted enough to stop what I’m doing and then quit and walk away!! Obviously not much gets accomplished then!!! I signed up for your info a long time ago and then have ignored your emails since, but today I decided to look at what you had to say. Now I am inspired again!!!! I am committed to trying again, but this time, with your help, I know I will do it!!! I have 4 rooms to fix, and will start on the biggest headache, my own bedroom!!! Wish me luck!!! I’ll be watching for more help from you!!! Thanks for keeping up your info, cuz you made a difference for me today!!!!
I want to find a new job where I’m living my passion (need to figure out too what that passion is). I feel like God has put me here for a purpose, but I’m not fulfilling it to my full potential.
Jana, thanks for your comment! As a member of our STEP and ARISE programs, you are learning the tools you’ll need to support you as you figure out your passion and how to reach your full potential. Trust the process and move forward with curiosity. You’re already doing great things, and we have no doubt that there is more greatness ahead for you. Keep up the good work, and know that we are cheering for you!!
My mom died in 2018 and my dad in 2020. Between them they had 4 insurance policies meant to pay for final expenses. I put off dealing with this because the policies they say they were to be cremated and scattered in Arizona. When the time came, my father changed his mind and wanted a full funeral and burial in NJ for both of them. I told my father many times that these types of policies weren’t good for people like him who change their minds a lot. In the end, I paid for everything because the funeral home didn’t want to deal with the insurance companies. Now the insurance company keeps bugging me to file the claims. I need to let go of my anger at my father for buying the stupid policies and just do it. If they don’t pay out, it was not my money that was wasted. It was my father’s money and it was his mistake. I’m going to do the paperwork right now!
Sending lots of love! I know these kinds of things are weighty. Sounds like you have a good plan in place!
I have been working for a couple of years to launch a science education support site for parents and grandparents. (I taught high school science in a public school for 38.5+ years.) I am almost ready to make the webpage public…..it is so hard to do that. I know I can help people and that it can be fun….I worry about the nay sayers though. In fact looking at this ARISE stuff was a distraction today, but it may be what I need to hear.
Nina, I can feel your beautiful desire to serve—and if I can offer one piece of encouragement, it would be not to hold back because of the naysayers. If someone has solid reasons to critique your work, responding to them will probably help you get better. And if they are simply trolling, you just delete it and move on…. The nameless, faceless group of “naysayers” has blocked SO many good ideas. If the desire to create your site is consistent, go for it!