An email will be arriving in your inbox within five minutes with instructions on how to access your introductory eBook. (Congratulations!)
As a special bonus, I (April) have personally recorded audio versions of each of the sample chapters, and I would LOVE to send them to you!
Here’s why the audio versions are helpful:
(1) They make it really easy for you to listen while you exercise, drive, or put your feet up!
(2) You’ll get the chance to hear just how my mother delivered her wise words of wisdom. Half of the power was in the content of what she said. The other half was the way she said it.
How do you get the free audios?
It’s easy! Simply follow the instructions below to share the book with friends and let us know how you did it! You’ll receive access to the audio version of the sample chapters–totally free.
Please don’t be nervous about this step. The form below is strictly based on the honor system, so even if you just text a friend and say, “Hey, there’s this new book I think you might like. Check out,” that counts! Of course, the more people who know about the book, the more we are able to share our message, so we appreciate you sharing as widely as you feel comfortable, but I want you to feel zero stress. 🙂
Thank you so much!
Your Children Want YOU! Sample Audios